Prologue + Chapter 1

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“Well at least the wind’s pretty nice. “

“Really?The thing’s causing me to taste my hair,and trust me,it doesn’t taste good.”

He chuckled,causing his deep dimples to be visible.My heart raced a little and I violently kicked that thought away.Never will Justin fall in love with me.

We walked passed the old oak tree,the one we used to climb together.But that was years ago.

“remember this tree Robin?”He asked,his hazelnut eyes shining.God he looks so cute.

I smiled.Memories like the ones Justin and I had were hard to forget.Also because they were the only things that keeps us together now,he changed a lot ever since high school…


Chapter 1:

I was all alone in a dark alley surrounded by two thugs who wanted my money.I was alone and helpless,oh and screaming for help.

“Shut up missy.”One of them said,he had blond highlights with black hair,a fashion disaster.

“Maybe we could have some fun with her,you know since we had to hear her scream.”Another with nose rings said.

By this time I had obviously stopped screaming but was filled with panic.My eyes welled up with tears.I was gonna get raped.

“Please don’t.I’m only 16.”I stuttered.They all laughed showing their yellow teeth.Eww.

Suddenly out of nowhere ,a blinding light flashed and Chace Crawford appeared.”Now n ow,don’t you dare hurt Robin.”He said with a smile tugging his lips.

Faster than lightning,Chace punched fashion disaster and elbowed Nose rings.They both groaned from the pain.Immediately they sped off.Chace picked me up from the ground and hugged me.

“I’m just glad you’re safe now my princess”he said in a made-up southern drawl.I giggled and he cupped my face and leaned in…

Suddenly a loud ringing sound followed by One Direction’s Stand up started playing.

Whoa ..wait what?

I opened my eyes only to realise it was my alarm ringing.So I was asleep the whole time?!Chase Crawford never saved me?!

Frustrated,I threw one of my pillows on my alarm clock.It was July 17th,2 MONTHS BEFORE TRACK NATIONALS..Today’s gonna be  exciting day indeed.


Author's Note :

Hey guys so this was just for fun.I was kinda bored.Do comment and tell me what you think !

Next update : Hahahahha once I get some comments ! ;)

ZeeFriday. x

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