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Tell me a truth; if you were to die, and you had to choose a place to die in

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Tell me a truth; if you were to die, and you had to choose a place to die in...where would  it be? Or what does that place look like?

Uhhhhh why are asking me this question, stranger? Don't say you want to kill yourself.

Why are you saying this? Don't you want to leave the earth?

Who told you that ?!

I heard.


I would rather die in a sea-side.

Well, fine then. You don't wanna tell me ? The truth is, no matter how much I hate people, the nature and this place, (is it selfish to say ?) that I don't have it in my blood to kill myself or give up on life itself ? But if I were to kill myself , I'd rather do it in a secret place surrounded by trees. Nobody would suspect it. And that place has an age old Victorian bridge on the verge of breaking. The bridge is above a very murky greeny lake.  And it grows white waterlilies. It would be a beautiful place to die, surrounded by trees and animals, isn't it ?

You say as if it's a real place. Is it ?


Where is it ?

Wow, nobody really asked me (cause they didn't know about it.) But since you're asking , it's near the Rosa's florals (you know? The one and only flower shop ?) You just have to head to the woods facing the front of the shop, keep going until you find the place, you'll like it !

Thanks ! I will go there one of these days.

Hmm...I think I'll catch you someday.You know, him and I had released ten colorful fishes there. I don't know if they are still there. I haven't been there for a while...

Are you talking about your....?


Riley, I dunno why he left you....But I think he's an idiot.

A laugh escaped Riley, bubbling within her chest. But it faded as soon as it came, turning into a sad frown.

If only, Riley could tell him that Leo was gone.....from the world.

It was hard to keep someone close, whom everyone keeps telling you is gone.....

It's weird, some days, Riley would start crying on her own. And she didn't know if a certain thing was new or not, but she gets so angry to the point that left Riley asking herself.

Sometimes, Leo would even pop out somewhere, between shadows and spaces. And she doubted if the voice that sometimes appeared in her head was Leo's or not.

Each and every pore of her knew that Leo was no more. And a strange thing was that...everything came in colors in Riley's memories....except for him. He was gray; gray as ash, gray as old movies, sometimes even a light tint of blue.

G R A Y   M E M O R I E S | ✔️completed (edited by me!)Where stories live. Discover now