Chapter 21: Dropping the Bomb

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"She...She...She...W-What?" I was speaking on the phone to Haley.

"Yeah...He really knows how to get to you, I guess. Doesn't he?" said Haley. "Trust me, I think this is all wrong. First of all who could move on that fast from Harry freaking Styles? Second, who could do that to their best friend? And third... Why Elliott of all people?"

Yeah, so let me catch you up on what has happened in the last three days. Friday, we arrived home from the airport and right before I went to bed, I was put on a three way call with Haley and Kendall. Kendall was crying because she had just broken off her relationship with Harry just hours before. We were all upset of course because our little group of ten just wasn't the same now. So saturday, Haley and I stayed the night at Kendall's and tried to cheer her up and make her feel better. We were trying to get her mind off things, but it was really hard when Zayn wouldn't stop ringing Haley. I swear, those two were in love. It was really adorable. Niall and I were very discreet about our conversation, we only texted so that it wasn't obvious. Kendall would tear up a bit here and there, but that was normal and certaintly okay. It was good to vent and let stuff out like that. It helped heal the soul. Okay that sounded retarded, "heal the soul." But seriously, it helped. On sunday (yesterday), I went home before church and just sat around. I'm not really sure how Haley and Kendall spent their afternoons. I imagine Haley went home and skyped with Zayn for a few hours. It honestly wouldn't surprise me. Kendall, Haley, and I went to go see a movie later that night. Today was Monday. So yes, I had to start school again today. I had woken up to a sweet text from Niall telling me to have a great day and everything, he was so sweet. School was pretty normal, and to be honest, I did not miss it at all. All I could think about were the number of days until I could get out of there and go stay in London with Niall and live happily ever after. But unfortunately, that was still a long ways away, much to my disliking. My teachers indivisually spent a few minutes with me during my lunch period giving me papers to review to catch me up with everything I had missed in the past week. Luckily, none of my teachers had given out any tests or quizzes in the first week of school so I really didn't miss a whole lot. The first three weeks my friends and I were in London, summer was still in for my school. Elliott on the other hand had goes to private school so his school had already been going on. So it bubbles down to the fact I only missed the first week of school. Anyways, now it brings me to what is happening right now.

According to Haley, when she got home from school, she got a call from Kendall. I had notcied that Kendall was being very distant with Haley and I today and wasn't exactly "with it" during our conversations during lunch. The reason that Kendall was being so distant was the fact that she was now dating Elliott. Awful, yes? I couldn't believe it and neither could Haley. When Haley told me, I was standing up walking around my room and I actually had to sit down because it made me feel weak. I felt so betrayed and yet angry at the same time. I felt tears of anger, confusement, and hurt roll down my cheeks. How could Elliott do this to me? More importantly, how could Kendall do this to me? How could Kendall do this to Harry? First of all, it was just wrong. Second of all, I can guarentee she WILL be getting hate from fans. I'm telling you, directioners go hard and are very protective of the boys. Though the fans might like the fact that Harry is on the market again, they all are also extremely sensitive and hate seeing the boys hurt. Much like what Harry is experiencing right now.

It really reflects badly on Kendall when you think about it. She was basically single for the weekend and then came back with a boyfriend. She was one of my best friends. This was so awkward on so many levels. I am honestly really angry. Harry was my friend and I hated this for him. This was more wrong to him than it was for me. You can't just do that to someone. She might have well just said "Yeah, Harry. Our relationship was like chicken scratch and pointless." I mean that's the kind off vibe she was setting off by doing that, right?

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