Chapter Four

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You'll meet Tessa's former best friend in this chapter. :) But the next chapter is where the fun begins! :) I promise!


"How long have we been together, Tessa?" Cash asked mysteriously as we sat across from each other in a classy, expensive restaurant. He was wearing a tailored suit that made him look edible, his hair gelled up and blue eyes sparkling with mischief. I was wearing a green dress that hugged my slim body with my hair done in an up-do, a few loose curls hanging loose.

I looked pretty, or at least I hoped I did. My make-up wasn't overly done and I had made sure the dress I had picked emphasized my tan legs. And my strappy, black heels gave me the extra height I needed that lost made my legs look long as well.

"Eleven months," I said slowly, wondering where he was going with this. And I wasn't sure what to make of that look in his eyes. I didn't really like surprises much.

"And in that eleven months, you fell in love with me like I fell in love with you, right?" he continued. His words sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach and I felt that warm feeling I always got when he said the big L word.

"Of course," I murmured, reaching over. Cash met me half way, grasping my hand in between his and squeezing gently.

"Tessa, I know you might think this is going too fast, but I love you so much. I don't think I can wait any longer." He stood, pulling me up onto my feet as well and gazed at me with a tender look in his light colored eyes. At the moment, my heart seemed to stop. Cash slowly knelt down on one knee and everyone went quiet. The restaurant that had been murmuring before was now completely silent as everyone stared at us. "Tessa, in the past year, you became my love, my life, my everything. Will you make me the happiest man alive by agreeing to marry me?"

There were tears in my eyes by the time he finished and when I swiped at my cheeks, not caring about my make-up. When the blurriness faded, I noticed the velvet box he held in his hand, snapped open to reveal a platinum, princess cut, engagement ring that had a beautiful, sparkling diamond right on the top. He had remembered I didn't like flashy things and had gotten a decent size ring instead of one with those huge rocks I'd seen some of his colleague' wives wearing.

I knew I was taking a long time to answer, but it had literally knocked the breath out of me that he had proposed. That was the last thing I had expected. Cash was shifting on his knee, looking at me with nervous eyes. "Tessa?" he questioned.

I snapped out of it and barely just stopped myself from screaming out loud. "Yes," I whispered, breathlessly. "Yes, I will marry you." A smile lit Cash's face and he slid the ring on my third finger on my left hand.When that was done, he stood up and pulled me into his arms for a loving kiss.

There was applause through the restaurant and I pulled back to rest my forehead on his shoulder, blushing with embarassment. Cash laughed and hugged me tight.

"Thank you, Tessa, for making me love and feel love in return."


The next day, I went to check out my new house with Tanner.

I was glad to see that most of Tanner's things had been placed inside the nursery already, even though they weren't exactly in orderly fashion. I knew I wouldn't be able to move everything by myself, because I wasn't really physically strong, so I decided I'd ask the teenage guys I'd seen skating and playing ball in the neighborhood to help me out.

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