Chapter Fifteen

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I'm running out of ideas for flashbacks, so please help?


"Hey, baby," I answered as I picked up the phone and smiled at the wall, happy that Cash had called me.

"I want you to come feet my friends," he said, getting straight to the point.

I laughed lighly. "Like your business partner friends?" I asked.

I imagined him rolling his eyes. "No, like the people that I've known in college and high school."

The concept of meeting his friends excited me because so far, I had only met his co-workers and family. Not the people he had hung out and spent his childhood and teenager life with. "Where to?" I asked.

Cash chuckled. "I knew you'd agree. We're meeting at a bar. I'll pick you up at eight."

"Can't wait," I replied and hung up.

By the time it was eight, I was ready in dark blue skinny jeans, a white sleeveless top and heels. I didn't feel the need to dress formal since it was just the bar to visit his friends. When Cash arrived, I yelled bye to my roommates and ran out the door to his car.

"You look hot." His eyes twinkled and I giggled, leaning over to kiss him on the lips briefly. He smiled under my lips and then drove towards the bar, which ended up being one of those expensive ones only rich people went to. I wasn't surprised, to be honest.

I was ready to get out of the car, when Cash stopped me with a nervous look in his eyes. "Before we go inside, I just have to tell you something, okay? Don't get mad."

Narrowing my eyes, I stared at him suspiciously. "What is it?" I asked.

"I had a girlfriend back in high school and we were kind of serious, but she broke up with me because I didn't love and care for her the way she wanted me to," he said. "And she's kind Her best friend is my best friend's girlfriend," Cash said, apologetically.

I rolled my bottom lip into my mouth. "Is she going to cause problems?" I asked her.

Cash winced. "She's always...insulted my past girlfriends and kind of scared them away," he admitted.

"Well, she is not going to scare me away," I said firmly, getting out of the car. Cash grinned at me and did the same.

It was safe to say that the meeting went pretty well because in the end, Cash's ex wasn't the one who did the scaring - it was me.


The rest of the day went by nicely without any interruptions from jealous ex-girlfriends. For that I was grateful. But I couldn't help, but wonder if that was the only relationship Pierce had had or were there more? But then I laughed at myself for thinking that. Of course there was more. This was Pierce I was talking about. Pierce, the gorgeous, all masculine, perfect man. His bad boy appearance, that sex appeal, he couldn't have only dated one woman after me.

When Pierce dropped us off, I let Pierce take Tanner's carseat inside while I carried the bags. Pierce was adamant that he could put Tanner in his crib, so I leaned against the doorway watching him. I tried to conjure up a memory of Cash ever putting his son to bed, but my mind was blank. The thought itself made me sad.

Afterwards, I walked Pierce to the door and smiled up at him. He took 'towering over me' to the next level because I had to tilt my head back to look at him. He probably had at least four inches on Cash. And about ten inches on me.

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