Chapter Six

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What did you think of Pierce? Like him? Hate him? ;) He's a very very important character in this story. 

The dedication is for XxSPMxX for making me a cover of Falling Apart. It's to the side. :)


"When did you realize you loved me, Cash?" I asked curiously as I lay on my back on the couch in our beautiful home, my hand absentmindedly rubbing my swollen stomach.

Cash was holding my feet on his lap, massaging them because they were swollen and making me feel extrememly uncomfortable. When I asked my question, he glanced up, his hands still working wonders on my foot. "Huh?"

"When did you fall in love with me?" I asked again, watching him as he bit his lip, looking lost in thought. His brown hair was flopping over his forehead for once instead of being in its signature faux hawk. And he wasn't wearing something formal, going for a tee shirt and shorts intead.

"I think...," he paused, looking over at our wedding photo. "I think I fell in love with you the day I woke up to find you making breakfast for me," he said, finally. I raised an eyebrow as a silly smile touched my lips. I remembered that day - we made love for the first time and I woke up earlier than him, so I decided to make him some breakfast.

"Why then?" I asked, laughing a little. That was one of the sweetest things he'd ever said to me.

"Because I've had a lot of girlfriends and none of them ever made breakfast for me," he said, gently pushing my feet off his lap and crawling over my body, so his face was leveled with mine.

I beamed and cupped his cheek. "Am I the best you ever had, Cash?" I whispered.

"Definitely." Then his lips covered mine.


On the way to my parent's home, I was lost in thought, wondering what was so dangerous about Pierce. What had made Paige hate him so much? Pierce was always troubled, that much I knew, but dangerous was going too far.

Pierce had been from the bad side of town. His father was abusive drug addict and his mother was a prostitute. If that was supposed to be a secret, the Alexander family had done a poor job of hiding it. A secret didn't stay a secret in a small town like ours. However, even though Pierce had come from some a bad family, he was the object of fascination in our school. Everyone was scared of him because of his lethal appearance and the rumors circulating around school about him.

Even though that was the case, we'd still been friends. I'd gone to preschool with him and we'd been in all the same classes in grade school. Then middle school came and we made our own groups, but we still occasionally hung out after class ended. High school and the drama started, but our friendship still stood strong.

Paige and Pierce were on different side of the social spectrum, but I remained friends with both of them. Even though they hadn't exactly been friends, they had managed to get along for me. Then, I had gone through countless boyfriends that were wrong for me until one day, at a back-to-school party one of the jocks at school were holding senior year, Pierce kissed me...

I was shocked to the core because he had been the bad boy slash player all the teenage girls dreamed about. So when he pulled back from me after the kiss, cupped my cheek and whispered "I love you" I truly thought I was dreaming. Since when had Pierce Alexander, the gorgeous teenage boy that all the girls wanted, fallen in love with me?

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