Part 7

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Third Person's POV

Zelda stormed out of the hospital without even waiting for Claus to accompany her. When he caught up with her she snapped at him. "You stay here and watch over the kids, this time do it properly." she said icily. "Tyrone was right this happened only because both you and Luca slacked off." Then she went to her car without giving him the chance to talk, and drove to her destination as if she was hunted down.

She was fuming that she didn't care that she may crash before even executing her revenge because of the speed she was driving with.

Half an hour later she reached her cousin favourite coffee shop, and true to his word he was already there waiting for her.

He was taken aback by how disheveled she looked. Blood coated top, messed up hair, and puffy red shot eyes.

He immediately knew the favour she needed from him.

A bloody one.

When she saw him she immediately went in his arms, and started sobbing not minding how mental she might have looked for others. She even ignored their shocked gasps at the blood smeared on her.

"What's wrong, Z?" Her cousin asked while rubbing smoothing circles on her back and arms. "Talk to me, Z, please." He pleaded.

"That bitch tried to kill my boys." She answered.

"Who?" His once calm composure turned deadly in seconds. He loved his nephews and niece immensely, and would make anyone who think of harming them regret coming to this world.

He flew all the way to Greece from Italy when he heard her broken voice. She was like a second sister to him, and he was known for taking care of his family.

"Her name is Angela." She told him.

"Any other information on her?" He asked her.

"Angela Smith, she was Tyrone's PA. that's all I know about her." She informed her.

"Okay." He said.

"I want you to find her before the sun sets if that's possible, and when you do lock her up, then leave the rest for me." She said menacingly.

"Are you sure you want to deal with her?" Deren asked.

"100 percent. She messed up with wrong family. I need to show her how she should have crawled up in a cave when I gave her the chance." She replied.

"Consider it done. I'll bring her in front of you in few hours, but you have to do something about your appearance. You wouldn't want to meet her with this defeated expression. Show her why you're an Adams." Deren told her.

Zelda nodded, and went to their house to freshen up, and prepare for their meeting.


Two hours later Deren informed her that he found her, and that he got her locked up at the dungeon in his mansion on the outskirts of the city. She took her keys, and drove to her cousin's mansion.

Half an hour later, she arrived at her destination. She parked her car, and marched towards the house. She moved the keys to open the door when the door was yanked open, and a smiling Lee greeted her and engulfed her in his warm embrace.

After exchanging pleasantries, she asked him to guide her to the dungeon.

She could hear screaming and crying which increased the closer she got to the bitch's cell.


"Hello, Angela, do you remember me?" The woman's head shot up to the guests, and a look of pure fright took over her features when she saw who it was.

They couldn't have known who was behind the hit and run. Not even four hours have passed yet. Could that be the reason she was held captive in this dusty and smelly cage-like-room.

She decided to play it cool since she doesn't know the real reason behind this little meeting, it could be only her fear playing with her mind making her jump to conclusions. Nothing but assumptions.

"Hello, Mrs. Argyros." She replied with a fake smile.

"You've got some gut there, I must admit." Zelda mirrored her expression with a fake smile adorning her full cherry red lips though her eyes told a different story. A story of vengeance and destruction.

Even in her dangerous state she looked angelically beautiful. Curse her for being so perfect. That's why she didn't have a chance with Tyrone. What man in his right mind would have a woman like this as a wife, and seek other women's embrace. Angela thought.

"Why do you say that?" Angela tried to play innocent.

"Well, you tried to kill my kids. Almost succeeded by the way, and here you are trying to have a civil chitchat with their mother whom heart you rent to shreds." Angela froze.

"W-what d-d- ah!" she didn't to finish her sentence because of the knife Zelda sent flying from across the room straight into her shoulder.

"What were you saying, darling?" Zelda questioned in a mock sweetness.

"I'm sorry, please. Please take it off." Angela wailed.

"That's more like it!" Zelda laughed cruelly. "Now shall we begin?" She questioned.

"Plea- umm." Zelda gagged her mid sentence cutting her voice off.

"Sorry, dear, I have a problem with that voice of yours." Zelda informed her with a sadistic smile on her face. "Let the fun begin."

She took her favourite knife from the torture tools box, and started twirling it in her hand. "You see, sweetheart, you made two big mistakes. One of them is trying to seduce my husband to steal him from me." She dug the knife in her hand, and started dragging it in an horizontal way through her flesh making a huge hole in her palm. The woman screamed at the top of her lungs for help, but in vain.

She was alone in the room with her, and even if somebody did hear her, they wouldn't help her.

"The second one however is the dumbest one. Instead of taking the scattered pieces of your pride at your failed attempt, and disappear from the face of the earth when my husband warned you to keep your distance from us." She did the same to the other hand before continuing. "You dumbly came back with your stupid plan of killing my children, thinking if your plan succeeded it would separate us, and I would leave Tyrone crying like a pathetic bitch. That way you'd have him and his money all for yourself."

Zelda trailed the knife along her upper arm before slicing her flesh with it causing another muffled scream from her victim.

"What you didn't know however is that I have the Adams blood in my veins, vengeance is something I excel in. You woke a half dormant tigress. One that was already wrathful, and you just dumbly put oil on the already burning flames by attacking my most beloved people, thinking they are my weakness when in fact they are my strength." She said.

"They are the trigger of my wrath." She concluded.

"So, let the game begin. Dumb Angela." Zelda taunted.


Double update for you, my lovely readers.

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Until next time.



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