Part 11

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Tyrone Argyros POV

"Zelda!" I called out as soon as I exited my office. "Claus, have you seen Zelda?" I asked when she didn't respond.

"Yeah, she was with the kids in their room." He said.

I climbed the stairs to their room only to stop when I opened the door. Zelda was teaching Arcadia to walk along with Egan. Each one of them was holding one of her tiny hands, and leading her forward.

It never ceased to amaze me how tenderly she treated our children, like they were the most valuable and precious thing there is. However when teaching them, she does it sternly especially when it's about life and family.

She taught Egan from a tender age to never trust anybody outside his family unless the said person earned it. She taught him how to protect his brother and sister with everything he have, even from themselves.

I heard her telling him once when Eyton was only a year old, and I quote.'Never forsake your family for anything. Always be their pilar, and they'll be yours. Never forgive anybody who harmed your family, they'll do it again counting on being forgiven. Counting on that their mistakes will go unpunished again.'

At first I thought it was wrong to teach him not forgiving at such a young age, so I confronted her telling her to change her way of teaching our children such, especially since Egan grew up taking his mother's words to heart.

'I'm teaching him what life will do in the cruelest of ways if not prepared. People aren't meant to be trusted. Family is all what a person will ever need, and I'll make sure my kids have a stable and united family to return to in times of need. Even when we're no longer here.' That was her answer, and I've never questioned her ways of teaching ever after.

My boys shall grew up as excellent gentlemen, and my princess will grew as the princess she truly is protected by her brothers. For that I'll forever be grateful for my wife, my Zelda for treating our kids equally even though Egan is not her biological son.

She made sure he never knew about it. 'I'm his mother, I raised him from the very beginning, and so he's my son no matter what anybody will ever say. He'll never call any other woman his mom, it's my right. Only me.' Those were her words when I asked her when she'll tell him about that whore. I knew from then how possessive and protective she was of them, of us.

Her family.

"Daddy! Dad." The voices of my children calling me got my attention.

"Hey, buddies!" I high-fived both of them.

"Dad, I was helping mom teaching Arcadia how to walk." Egan said enthusiastically.

"Me too, me too daddy." Eyton said jumping up and down.

I smiled at them. They've been inseparable since Eyton's birth. Eyton mimicked his brother in everything, he even told his mother to buy him the same clothes Egan wears. If she brings anything to Egan without buying the same to him, he would throw a fit, and goes on hunger strike until she brings the same to him. Egan didn't seem to mind his brother mimicking him, he seemed rather happy about it.

Zelda learnt from Eyton's first fit to not forget to buy each in everything in two different sizes for them.

"You guys go play in the living room. Egan bring Arcadia with you. Dad wants to talk to your mom." I said. Egan nodded his head, and lifted his sister before heading downstairs.

"What did you want to talk about?" Zelda asked curiously.

"You tell me!" I said.

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