Part 50

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Third Person POV

"Don't you dare to throw up for I will make sure you shove it back down your throat." Zelda warned the sisters when she saw how their faces morphed into a disgusted one.

They knew better than to disobey her, they weren't ready to face any other psychotic side of her.

She then turned her attention to Mason who was still grieving his wife's death while holding her lifeless body close to his heart.

Anyone with an ounce of humanity would feel for him when seeing his broken state, anyone except the deadly couple that was glaring their way murderously. Zelda felt nothing but disgust and loath to the pathetic excuse of the man she once worshipped him.

While Tyrone felt the burning desire to dismember him painfully slow to make sure he felt the same thing his wife did the night he found her on the streets. He didn't pity him since he didn't pity his beloved wife when he threw her on the streets and sent his fucking goons to hunt her down like an animal.

"Bring him to me, would you, brother?" The request was directed to Brandon but her burning gaze never wavered from the whimpering man in the cage.

Brandon didn't hesitate to execute the nicely-put-order, he dragged Mason out of the cage, roughly prying him off of the dead body which resulted in it hitting the cold floor roughly that if she wasn't dead already she would have suffered concussion. He brought him on his knees before his sister's feet who was sitting comfortably on a chair, regarding the whole scene rather boringly.

"Anything you want to share, Mason?." He cringed at the sweet voice she used, it was the same tone she used to call him with in the past. He glared at her defiantly instead of answering.

"Be careful there with the way you act towards me, I would hate to harm little Camellia." He froze when she used her his daughter's name, she was the only reminder of his wife. He won't let anything happen to her.

"Please, p- please don't harm her. She's the only thing left from my wife's memory! I'm begging you." He pleaded hysterically for the little girl he loved more than anything in this world, unlike her mother he truly did love her and treated her like the precious princess she was.

Zelda laughed, her gaze on him all the time. "I might just harm her to get back at you." She taunted still laughing evilly. "I mean come on you can't be actually begging me to spare the daughter that was born from the relationship that doomed me, now can you?" She continued, chuckling.

Mason froze. "B- but you love kids, you have a whole fucking orphanage of them calling you mom! You can't be serious!" He exclaimed, disbelievingly.

"I do love kids, just not my enemies' kids. What kind of sane person would I be if I took in the same person who might ignite a rebellion against me when they found out what I did to their family. That is the first rule we learn in the mafia." She said shrugging as if this whole thing was an everyday casual conversation, frightening the not-so-poor lad more. "However since we have history, I'll be glad to concede this once. I'll take her in on one condition." She stated.

"A- anything! I'll do anything! I will sign everything I own in your name, I will leave naked if you want to." He urgently obliged.

"Everything you own is not your to sign over. It was and still is mine." She corrected calmly. "You have two choices, I kill her in front of your eyes or I take her in but I erase her memories of you and that whore of yours." She pointed to the lifeless body of Julienne. "I heard my sister in law's business are developing a technology of that sort." She added.

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