Part 49

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WARNING!! The following content may contain some scenes that are inappropriate for some of you.


Third Person POV

"Please leave her alone, please." Begged Mason for his wife's torture to end.

However Zelda never stopped, the more he begged the more she dug the dagger further into her flesh.

Until he screamed one last desperate plea, freezing her hand in the middle of the air. "PLEASE, FOR MY SAKE, FOR WHAT WE ONCE SHARED!" He yelled pleadingly.

Tyrone's jaw clenched tight as he glared at the man, he hated to be reminded that Zelda wasn't his even if it was all in the past.

Zelda, on the other hand, ceased her movements and regarded Mason with a hateful glare for sometime before a sweet smile lit her face. She nodded to Lee who was studying her confusedly, then she spoke, "You heard the man, Lee." She stared at him for a while, daring him to defy or question her.

Lee untied Julienne reluctantly, and he wasn't the only one who found the sudden order odd. Tyrone was barely holding himself back from putting a bullet between the eyes of the man who dared to try using his wife's feelings to his own advantage. For a moment there, all the people in the room thought the old Zelda they once knew resurfaced, the weak and hopeless teenage she once was.

However they were proven wrong when the echoing sound of the sharp whip along with the bloodcurdling scream resonated around the walls of the deserted warehouse.

Zelda saw the delight and relieve that washed through the couple's eyes when she released her from her confinement, and she thought it was the perfect moment to break their bubble. "For your sake, you say? For what we once shared." She laughed hysterically in a crazed way. "What a shameless bastard!" She spat.

"I'll show you what we once shared means to me, and just how dear it was to me." She started whipping her harder, putting all her might in each stroke that landed on her pathetic body while she basked in their whimpers, screams, and pleas.

"HOW DARE YOU PLEAD WITH ME FOR HER LIFE, THE WOMAN WHO RUINED MINE!" She screamed crazily and landed the sharp-edged iron whip on the unfortunate woman's already bruised back. Those who wronged her flinched at her tone.

Jason stood there watching the scene with an indifferent expression, but deep inside he was happy that the little girl who couldn't stand for herself against a bunch of elementary bullies was now a full grown woman, a savage one at that too.

Tyrone knew at that moment that his wife completely surrendered to the darkness within, that there was no coming back. Not that he was planning to do anything about it anyway, they need to pay for all those nights where sleep deserted her because of the haunting nightmares. Because of them.


Claus and Luca carried the bruised body of Julienne to the cage before tying her to the wall while Lee brought a cage full of ugly weird shaped rats that were making some weird bone-chilling noise and scratching the cage with their sharp claws, begging to be freed to feed on their next pray. He put the cage inside the bigger cage and opened it before stepping back and closing the door behind him. Not even a blink later the small hideous creatures crawled out of the cage and headed towards the strapped victim. She released an ear piercing scream when she saw them and started screaming her lungs out when they begun nipping at her flesh.

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