Part 48

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Third Person POV

Screams echoed all over the room. Sophie's heart stopped when Zelda pulled the trigger, for a moment she thought that she had lost her sister.

"Don't worry, honey. I wouldn't dare spoil the fun so early, now would I?" Zelda stated mockingly.

"P- please just s- spare her. I'll do everything you want!" Sophie exclaimed pleadingly.

"Why are you begging so early, I thought you wanted to kill me. You keep on disappointing me more and more each passing moment." Zelda said in a mock hurt tone.


"Enough with that already!" She snapped. "We have some facts that need to be set straight, don't we, dear Dana?" Zelda asked the whimpering mess that was now surrounded by a bunch of cockroaches that were roaming the dead rats bodies.

"I- I'm sorry, please ju- just s-pare us." She said instead of confessing.

An iron whip with sharp edges came down on her back, slicing the part of her skin where it landed on into two, earning an ear piercing scream. "You know that's not what I'm looking for. Why are you sisters so keen on angering me today!" She heaved an irritated sigh before glaring at her husband's ex. "If you don't give me what I want I can assure you that my next move will be your worst nightmare, much worst than that blood pool." Zelda threatened.

"O- okay, okay." She looked alarmed before turning to her sister with a look of guilt. "I'm sorry, but I lied to you."

"W- what?" Sophie was dumbfounded.

"Tyrone didn't chose Zelda over me, neither did she steal Egan from me. I was the one who forsook them, Zelda came into the picture after we broke up." She explained.

Her sister's face paled further, her whole world just came crashing down on her. "Y- you-" she swallowed heavily before she continued. "You lied to me all this while? You knew I was digging my own grave for your sake yet you never felt the urge to tell me the truth!" She was shocked by her beloved sister's doings.

"I'm so-"

"Don't you think you're forgetting something?" Zelda asked calmly, watching the show while leaning not the wall with one feet on it and her hands in her jeans' pockets.

Sophie waited expectedly for the upcoming bomb, thinking that it wouldn't be as bad as the one just disclosed, but the again Zelda wouldn't urge her to confess something that was of small importance. "Do you remember Zelda and Tyrone adopting a little girl named Acacia?" She asked her sister, barely able to keep eye contact with her. When Sophie nodded in confirmation, she continued. "Her real name is Acacia Deacon, she's my daughter, he's her father." Dana said pointing to Draven who was on the other side of the room who cringed when she said that out loud. "The one I was having an affair with when I was married to Tyrone." She completed.

"What do you mean you were married to him? Why would Zelda adopt your daughter? Where were you? Where was her father?" Sophie bombarded them with questions, all those new informations blasted her already buzzing brain. How could her sister do this to her? How could she hide secrets from her?

"I sold her when she was born when we were been chased by Zelda and her goons, we needed funds-"

"YOU NEEDED FUNDS! Fucking slut!" Boomed an angry voice of an enraged Draven. He was about to attack her when some of the bodyguards held him back.

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