Part 27

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Zelda Argyros POV

"Good morning, Mrs. Argyros." The receptionist greeted when I entered. I nodded her way before going to my private elevator.

The elevator opened once we reached the top floor of the building, Claus and I made our way to my office to find Lee standing next to the door and the whole floor was deserted as I instructed.

I couldn't wait to see his expression when he finally would realise it was me all along. That I'm the owner of all of this- his owner. Not Sophia, no one else but me.

Claus opened the door for us, Lee was the first to enter then I followed him.

The son of a bitch was busy admiring the office in a dreamy gaze, almost as if he was wishing he could rob it just like he did with my other possessions. "Long time no see, ton-ton." I decided to snap him out of whatever daze he was in.

He looked up startled before he met my eyes, he seemed to have troubles remembering me. I chuckled, making my way to the lone couch across from him. "What? Having troubles remembering me?" I feigned hurt. "Did I change that much, ton-ton?"

"Who are you? How did you know that name?" He tried to appear tough.

"Have I really lost that much weight? Well, at least you remember the nickname." I shrugged.

"Z- Zeld- a?" He was baffled.

"Were you that sure I was dead? Didn't your so called friends told you what really took place that night?" They were so predictable that it was getting boring. "Is that why you could sleep with utmost comfort for the past nine years?"

He was on his knees in a blink of an eye, begging for his pathetic life. "I- I'm s- sorry, so sorry, y- Young miss. I shouldn't have betrayed Master."

I laughed bitterly, he was nothing but a backstabbing coward. "Oh, you will be, that I guarantee." I leaned back in the couch, crossing my legs, deliberately putting my shoe next to his face. Almost touching his pathetic sweating cheek.


"But I have something for you to do before that." I informed, cutting his useless apology off.

"A- anything!" He was eager.

"Don't go promising things you don't know to people you don't know, that's basically signing your death warrant off. Believe me I know." I emphasised the last sentence.

"I'm s-"

"Oh, cut it off already! We both know you're only saying that to save your useless ass." I said patting his greasy hair mockingly. "Now onto the real business. You'll be working for me from now on, you already passed your test when you accepted Sophia's deal."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"It means my dear ton-ton, that this company is mine, I planned this whole thing to get you on board and let me tell you it was way easier than what I initially thought. Sophia was just a pawn in my plan like all of you." I laughed at his horrified expression.

"This is but the beginning my dear ton-ton, you're yet to see the true monster you lot created. It's way too early for you to support those kinds of expressions."

He gulped and started trembling, trying to get a hold of my leg, but I pushed him away from me knowing what words would follow his actions. "Now, now, ton-ton, this pair is my husband's favourite. I can't let you dirty it with those dirty hands of yours, now can I?" I taunted.

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