Part 41

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Zelda Argyros POV

"Does it upset you?" I asked.

His head snapped my way with a look of confusion, "what do you mean by that?"

"I mean if it bothers you that we won't be having anymore kids?"

"Why would you think that?" He replied.

"You said you wanted to have 9 kids of our own." I reminded.

Tyrone crossed the room and sat beside me. "Baby, I don't care if we can't have any kids after this, I'm thankful for whatever we have. Besides we have more than what I ever asked for, we have The Second House's family." He stated taking my hands in his, and brought them to his lap, caressing them gently. "The question is, does it bother you?" He questioned looking at me tenderly.

"You said it yourself, we have our own houseful of kids. So yeah, I don't really care. I'll just see it as something I had to lose to gain my children's lives." I shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's settled then!" He kissed my forehead before standing up. "I'll go finalise your discharge papers then we can head home." He said.

I grinned at him. "I get to go home?" I asked with enthusiasm. I hated hospitals with passion, especially the scent. It triggers my nausea like no other. And my health freak husband agreeing to my discharge this early only served to intensify my happiness.

He chuckled at me, "wipe that grin away, honey. We may be going home but you're going to stay in the mansion's infirmary for awhile until I'm sure you've completely recovered.

My smile was soon replaced by a frown. "Should have guessed, you're no fun!"

"Stop pouting, baby. There's no way out of this." He said still chuckling. The insensitive man was having the time of his life on my expense.

Then I remembered something.

"Wait, what about the twins? You said they still need another month in the incubator."

"They'll be coming with us of course, I already prepared the infirmary with whatever they shall need." He assured.

I heaved a sigh of relief, but then there was something else I was curious about. "Tyrone?"

"Yes, baby?" He said looking at me in question.

"Who operated on me?" Tyrone never liked to leave any of us with doctors alone, especially when it included surgeries or some major injuries that needed extra attention. He would always be the one doing it, the doctors he calls for are only there to help him.

I remember him telling me once that he studied medicine since he wanted to be a doctor, he even was one of the most well known ones in the country for awhile before he had to take over the family business. I witnessed him treating Eden the time he was shot, and he really was good, no scratch that, he was great at what he does. I may not be an expert like him, but I know talent when I see it. Besides I took some lessons about basic medical knowledge during my training, Deren made sure I was able to cure myself when I'm injured and out of reach.

I'm glad Tyrone decided he was a doctor, I wouldn't have trusted anyone with any of our babies like I do him.

"You mean the C-section?" He asked.

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