Part 32

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Zelda Argyros POV

"You know, don't you?" Tyrone asked.

"Care to elaborate?"

"Come on Zelda, you're never this calm unless there's a storm raging inside you." He sighed before coming to my side of the bed, and sitting beside me. He took my hands, and kissed my knuckles, one by one before looking up at me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, a little hurt.

"Because you clearly stated how you hated that kind of life style, and how much you didn't want for me to be involved in it." He replied. "Besides it no longer concerns me, I stepped down years ago. Almost a year before meeting you. When I knew I was about to be a father I immediately left everything behind me since I didn't want my children to be born in that kind of life." He explained.

"Do you honestly think of me as a fool?" I asked incredulous.

"No, never! Why would you think that?" He frowned.

"Because you're clearly spouting a lie after another right into my face expecting for me to gullibly believe it!" I stood up angrily while glaring daggers at him.

"Baby, what do you mean?" He said standing up too, trying to reach out for me.

"How do you explain the fucker that was trailing me, why the fuck was he referring to you as boss? The fuck is going on Tyrone, are we now playing some type of 'who can lie the best game'?" I asked fuming, I hate when he lies right in my face.

"I didn't lie, honey, I really stepped down and handed the reins to my second in command Brandon. However the boys still call me boss since the business is basically mine, Brandon refused to accept the ownership, and there is no one I trust like him." He explained sighing, but my mind was stuck on that certain name, Brandon.

Can it be- No there's no way it can happen, it's been years. How can it possibly happen.

"Baby, are you okay? You're pale!" Tyrone's worried voice brought me out of my reverie.

"I'm fine, just remembered something." I assured, but then glared at him. "Why didn't you tell me before? Why did you wait until I found out by myself?" I asked.

"I didn't know how your reaction would be since you made it obvious that you hated this life." He said.

"So you thought if you kept your mouth shut, I would never find out? What a brilliant plan! Too bad it backfired."

"No need to be sarcastic, Zelda." Tyrone rolled his eyes.

"Don't you fucking tell me what to do after bluntly lying to my face!"

"I didn't know it was relevant since it's basically considered from the past, besides I thought I would be able to keep it hidden just as well as I did for nine years." He clarified. "I'm sorry, baby!" He added.

"No you're not, but you'll be, very soon at that too." I said before heading towards the door, "but for now we'll have to go back downstairs to the party, it's almost time for the cake cutting." I added.

"Come on, baby, please just forget it already, it's no biggie!" He pleaded trailing behind me.

I didn't bother answering him, I was too angry to do that. I blame it on hormones, I mean I did the same thing when I concealed my past and present from him, and he didn't take it to heart but I just can't get over it yet.

"Mom, dad, where were you? We've been waiting for you for quite some time now." Egan said coming our way when we exited the mansion to the yard where the party was held.

"Sorry, honey! We were discussing something, and didn't pay attention to the time. Come let's cut the cake!" I said ruffling his cute crimson straight locks.

We made our way to the other boys that were standing next to the huge cake, but before we reached, Eden's facial expression changed from a huge smile to a frown, then an alarmed look took over his features.

Not even a second later he came running towards us, while shouting 'duck!'.

Then a shot resonated in the air.

Unknown POV

I threw the pile of news papers on the ground in rage. How the fuck isn't it mentioned in any of the fucking magazines! It was a brutal attempt murder, how come all the attendees of the event remained quite!

I thought if she was provoked enough and showed her true colours, people would come to know her true self and report her. Then my dream would be a step closer, and a huge obstacle would be out of my way.

However someone just had to fucking step in and ruin everything, no wonder I hate women. They're just too nosy for their own good.

"WHAT?" I snapped at whomever was calling when I picked up after countless rings.

"Your plan went down the drain, that bitch is still free and pretty much well!"

Here comes another whining fucking child, is there anywhere or time I can have a peace of mind without troubles rising! "You fucking called me just to state the obvious!" I was furious.

"Well, that and to remind you of your promise."

"What promise? I don't remember making any promises." I feigned ignorance.

"You can't fucking backdown now that we helped you in your schemes!" A scream went through the phone, damaging my eardrum with the squeaky voice.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, and don't you dare yell at me again!" I retorted in the same manner. "Now, be good and follow my orders and everything will be solved." I ordered before hanging up, I don't have enough time nor tolerance to entertain spoiled people.

Now I have to find another way to bring the fucking bitch down.

I picked my phone up and dialled a number I knew all too much. "We need to meet, it's urgent!" I demanded the moment the call connected.

"Tomorrow 10 am." Then he hung up.

How typical, he was always a man of few words.


Hey, lovelies! Here's a new update, hope you enjoy it.

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Until next time, happy reading!


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