Chapter 21- Dead or Alive

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry runs through the streets, me on his back as we chase the bad guys.

"Mack, quake 'em!" Barry tells me.

I put my hand out in front of me and quake the car, but that doesn't stop them. The car continues driving.

"Where's Wally?" I ask Barry.

"The Electric Gang is headed north." Caitlin says through the comms.

"You gotta cut 'em off before they reach the freeway." Cisco tells us.

Wally speeds up next to Barry as he weaves through the gunshots.

"Oh, hey." Barry greets Wally.

"How you wanna play this?" Wally asks.

"I have an idea." Barry says.

We go separate ways.

Barry distracts them while Wally stops the car.

"Nice work." Barry says to Wally.

"They're out cold." I say.

"Okay, boys." Barry says, walking over to the captured bad guys.

"They saved us. They saved us!" A bunch of girls say, walking out of a bus. "Who are you?"

Barry lets Wally take the floor, backing up. We both watch.

"Um... I'm Kid Flash." Wally says.

"Oh, my gosh. Can we get your picture?" A girl asks.

"Yes." Wally says.

They take a picture.

Wally speeds away, leaving a lightning mark on the ground.

"Go Kid Flash! Go Kid Flash!" The girls cheer.


The three of us walk into the cortex.

"Nice save!" HR says to Wally. "Could not have scripted it better myself."

"Thanks." Wally says. "Barry did most of the heavy lifting."

"B.A." HR says.

"Yes, bravo, boys and girl." Julian says. "Although I did find at least six ways you could have done it more efficiently, just... just saying."

"I mean, the busload of hot cheerleaders seemed like the way that we did things." Wally says.

"Oh, that's going in the book. You know what? I'm running low; let me buy you a cup of coffee over at CC Jitters." HR says, then he changes to a british accent. "Bond, are you coming?"

"No, thank you." Julian says as HR and Wally leave.

"So exactly how many hot cheerleaders?" Iris asks.

"I was a good boy." Barry says. "You know, he's just been looking forward to this for a long time; he's enjoying the moment."

"Well, I'm glad you have his back." Iris says.

"We have each other's back." Barry says. "It's actually been really nice having him out there."

"Hey, I meant to ask you. When you found the Electric Gang, did you see them meeting with anyone else?" Iris asks.

"Like who?" Barry asks her.

"Well, word on the street is, there is a new arms dealer in town with access to sophisticated weaponry like the gun that Plunder used." Iris says.

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