Chapter 36- Abra Kadabra

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MacKenzie's POV

"Okay, okay, easy." Julian says as Wally and Barry support Caitlin's weight onto the medbay bed. The rest of us follow behind. I chew my fingernails as I watch. "The, um, the hand me the X-ray machine, - grab it for us, would you, please?"

"Yup." Barry says, handing Julian the x-ray machine. "Here, here."

"Okay, good. Remove it." Julian says and Cisco takes the jacket he was using to stop the bleeding off.

"How bad is it?" Caitlin asks.

"Uh, it's bad." Julian says and I chew my nails even more, a tear rolling from my eyes. "It's bad, there's quite a few pieces of shrapnel inside you, and they look deep enough to pierce your kidney - if they're not removed immediately."

"Guys, we have to get her to a hospital." Iris says. 

"We can't, they're gonna ID her as a meta." Cisco says.

"And not just any meta." Wally points out. 

"Yeah, one that we have a file on for attacking CCPD." Joe says. 

"Then what are we going to do? None of us are doctors and she can't operate on herself." Iris says. 

"We do have another option." Cisco says. 

"What is it?" Joe asks.

"When Caitlin goes meta, her metabolic rate offsets cold tissue destruction." Cisco says. 

"She can regenerate?" Barry asks.

"No, we're not gonna take off my necklace. I don't need a hospital. All I need is a mirror and a steady set of hands." Caitlin says and then she looks at Julian. "You were a field medic in the Royal Army, right?"

"What? No, I-I-I've never operated on anyone before." Julian stutters out. 

"That's okay, I'll walk you through it." Caitlin says. 

"Caitlin, you're talking about staying awake during your own surgery." Julian says.

"I'm putting my life in your hands. I trust you, Julian." Caitlin says.

Julian preps Caitlin for surgery.

Caitlin has, like, a cloth or something over her, I don't really know what it is, I'm not a doctor.

From the corner of my eye I can see Cisco nudge Barry in the side and point over to me.

"Mack." Barry says, walking over to me. "Maybe you shouldn't be here for this."

"I'm staying." I say.

"Mack." Cisco says, grabbing my hands and lifting them up for me to see. My fingers are bloody where my nails are. I've bitten them so much they started bleeding. "You're biting your nails. You haven't done that since know...."

"So I'm nervous." I say. "So what?"

"So what is this level of nerves is not good for a 12 year old." Cisco says.

"Maybe you should sit this one out. Go with Joe in the other room." Barry tell me.

"I'm staying with Caitlin." I say.

"Mack, please listen to them. I'll be fine." Caitlin says.

I slowly nod. I walk over and kiss Caitlin's cheek and then Cisco leads me out of the room. He closes the door and I walk over to where Joe and Wally are.

"Aren't you supposed to be in there?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, and why are your hands bloody?" Wally asks.

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