Chapter 30- The Wrath of Savitar

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MacKenzie's POV

Cisco and I are in the breach room. We're fixing the wiring to figure out the box situation when Wally and HR tell us their plan.

"No way." HR says. "I'm not gonna vibe you there for you to watch your sister die."

"Okay. Cesco, Cesco, Cesco th-this is to help Wallace to help him see what happens so he knows what to do in the moment." HR says. 

"Come on, Cisco, please. If Savitar's coming back and I'm the only one that can save Iris, I have to do everything I can to make sure that happens." Wally says. 

"And you're sure you want to do that? Because this is not something you can unsee, Wally." Cisco says. 

"If this is gonna help me save my sister, yeah. I have to see it. Please." Wally says. 

Cisco walks down the stairs with his goggles.

"Okay, if you have to see it come on down, be my guest." Cisco says. "H.R., you know how to work this, right?" He asks as HR walks over to the machine.

"I know how to work this, yeah." HR says. "Plus, I've got Mack here."

"Anything goes wrong, you get Caitlin down here stat." Cisco says. 

"I know what I'm doing. I was here the last time. I saw what you did. All I got to do is do this." HR says and he pushes a button. I facepalm. 

"The other one." I say.

"It's the other button." HR says. 

HR sends them into the vibe.

"Bit of a lighter touch next time, please, H.R.! " Cisco exclaims.

"Copy. Lighter touch." HR responds.

Cisco and Wally venture through the vibe.

"Now what?" HR asks.

"Now, we wait." I say and I smack his hand away. "And we don't touch any buttons."

Cisco and Wally come out of the vibe.

"What what'd you see? Was it good? Did that did that help?" HR asks.

"Yeah." Wally says. 

"Yeah?" HR asks.

"It helped a lot." Wally says. He starts walking out. 

"Wally..."CIsco says as Wally speeds out. "Why does nobody ever listen to me?"

I run out of the breach room to the cortex. And even though I'm not a speedster, I can run pretty fast.

"What is he talking about?" Iris asks as I walk in. I stop in the doorway. "Barry."

"The night that Savitar kills you, you didn't have a ring on your finger." Barry says. 

"We weren't engaged yet." Iris puts together. "So you thought that if we were..."

"That it might change the future." Barry finishes.

Iris gets up. 

"Iris. Iris, wait." Barry says as Iris walk out, right past me.


"How long have you had this?" Barry asks, holding up the piece of the stone that Caitlin had taken.

"Ever since you threw the box into son the Speed Force." Caitlin says. "It's such a small piece. I didn't think it would really matter."

"Why would you even risk it?" Barry says, putting the piece in the box.

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