Chapter 32- Into the Speed Force

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MacKenzie's POV

An alarm beeps in the breach room.

"Is it Barry?" Iris asks as she walks in.

"Did something happen to him?" Joe asks.

"We don't know." Caitlin says. "One second, the telemetry was perfectly normal, and--"

"Then his vitals, they just started crashing." Julian says.

We watch Barry's vitals plummet.

"No." Joe says.

"Cisco, is he--" Iris starts.

"I don't know, I don't know." Cisco says, trying to vibe. 

"Find out!" Joe exclaims.

"I can't." Cisco says. "The tether's gone."

"What? That was him and Wally's lifeline out of the Speed Force." Joe says. 

"How are we gonna get them back?" Iris asks.

"I don't know that we can." Caitlin says.

"Well, we gotta try." I say. "Cisco, please try."

Cisco breathes deeply and then puts his hands out to open a breach. Julian and I stand next to Cisco. 

"What's happening?" Julian asks Cisco as he vibes and breaches. "Do you think you can reel them in?"

"I don't know." Cisco says. "I've never felt this much harmonic feedback. It feels like the Speed Force is about to--"

He didn't get to finish his sentence cause Barry and Wally were chucked out of the speedforce. Luckily, they missed slamming into me because Julian pushed me out of the way.

"Wally!" Joe yells.

"Barry!" Iris yells.

We all go over to them.

"Oh, my God. Are you okay?" Joe asks.

"We will be." Barry says. 

"Hold on a second. Three speedsters go in, and only two come out." Cisco says.

"Jay...Jay stayed back to save Wally." Barry says. 

"Come on, Wally, let's get you checked out." Caitlin says, leaving with Wally.

"I thought I lost both my boys." Joe says, hugging Barry. "Thanks for bringing him back."

"You're welcome." Barry says. 

"Thank you." Joe says.

Joe, Cisco, and Julian leave. 

"I thought I'd lost you too." Iris cries, running into Barry's arms. 

"I'm right here." Barry says.

The hug and then pull apart. Barry looks over at me a smiles and I return it with a smile of my own.

"Thank god you're back." I whisper. "I can't lose you too. Not like I lost Ronnie--"

"Hey, Mack, I'm right here." Barry says, comforting me. He picks me up and I hold on tight to ***

"The Speed Force." Cisco says in the cortex the next day. "And it just appeared to you in the form of Eddie Thawne?"

"And Ronnie?" Caitlin asks.

"And Snart." Barry says. "All to teach me another lesson."
"Which was what?" Julian asks.

"Saving Iris is my responsibility and mine alone." Barry says. "It's why the Speed Force didn't let me take Wally's place, why Jay sacrificed himself to do it. So I could finish this."

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