Chapter 43- Infantino Street

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MacKenzie's POV

"Are you serious?" Joe asks in the cortex after Barry and Cisco told us what happened. Cisco and I came up with the idea to use the dominator tech as the power source we needed. But because it's below zero outside, Cisco wouldn't let me leave STAR Labs.

"Yeah." Barry answers. "Yeah, if Lyla won't let us have the Dominators' tech, then we are gonna break into ARGUS, and we're gonna steal it. Wally and I will phase through the walls. We'll be in and out of there before anyone even gets off a shot."

"Uh, hello? No, you won't." Cisco says.

"Yeah, we--" Barry tries.

"What is that?" HR asks, looking at the figure on the screen.

"That is a meta-human power dampener." I tell them.

"And it's all over the building, so you can't use your powers inside." Cisco says.

"Can we use anything else to power this Speed Force gun?" Joe asks.

"Speed Force bazooka." HR says.

"Bazooka." Joe corrects.

"Nothing else." Cisco says. "Manipulating extra-dimensional energy requires, well, a ridiculous of energy, and the Dominator tech's the only thing that can do that."

"Hey, I have I have an idea, gang." HR says. "What if we just put you, put Iris on a plane to Paris--

"No." Barry says.

"Somewhere far away?" HR asks.

"There's nowhere on Earth that Savitar wouldn't find her." Barry says "Guys. Stealing this Dominators' tech is our only option, all right?" 

"Barry. ARGUS is more secure than the pentagon." Iris says. "If your powers don't work in there, how are you gonna get past security?"

"Okay. This is what we're dealing with: - surveillance cameras." Cisco starts

"I'm out." HR says.

"Eye scans." Cisco says.

"Nope!" HR says.

"Palm prints. Heat sensors." Cisco says.

"Whoa! What?" HR asks.

"Laser sensors." Cisco says.

"They really thought of everything, didn't they?" HR asks.

"That's just the first floor." Cisco says.

"So, you're saying this is the most fortified structure in the history of fortified structures, they can't use their superpowers, and we have less than 14 hours to steal the thing." Joe says.

"And none of us are master thieves." Iris says.

"No. No, we're not." Barry says.


"I know we don't have a plane." HR says. "We steal a plane, okay? We'll put it back. All right? And we parachute out of the plane, and land on the roof gotta land on the right roof, all right? And then whoosh right down the air ducts. Mission: Improbable style. Easy."

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him.

"Someone's a little cold." HR says and I shoot him a glare

"And what's this talk about it being easy?" CIsco asks. "What about the counter-terrorism missiles?"

"What?" HR asks.

"Yeah." Cisco says.

Snart and Barry walk in.

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