The Seventh Sin

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A/N: Alright, writing prompt. Let's do this shit.


"Welcome to Hell! As the seventh human to ever arrive here, you are now part of the Seven Deadly Sins." You were in shock. Only the seventh? Where the hell are the murderers of the world? "Wait wait wait wait wait, only the seventh? What about the murderers and child molesters and all that shit?" you ask in confusion. The devil laughs. "Those are the demons I sent up there to blend into human society and kill people for the role of a deadly sin. But most repent, and you didn't in your lifetime, so here you are." You are awestruck. "I get to be a sin?! Are all the roles pre-chosen or do we choose?!" You ask eagerly. The devil chuckles. "Ah, eager are we? Yes, you can choose." You squeaked in excitement. "I want to be Wrath!" The devil nods approvingly. "Ah, Wrath. It's a powerful sin, is it not? It resides in everyone, whether they like it or not. Good choice." As he says this, three other people walk into his office. One was a girl with red hair with red eyes, who gave off an intimidating aura. "I was gonna choose that! Fine, I'll be Envy." She shouts. Another one spoke quietly. It was a frail looking boy, who wore glasses. He has white eyes with black hair, and honestly had a depressing aura. "I-I would like Sloth, please, Mr. Lucifer." Another boy spoke up. He looked well fed, we will call it. He had brown hair with blue eyes and looked very joyful. How did he get down here? "I would like gluttony, sir!" He bowed. Lucifer let out a deep laugh. "Ah, so you all will have those sins. Where are the other three?" He questioned. After he said that, three people walked in. One was a girl had green hair with green eyes, and was very cute, you had to say. Another one was a boy who had white hair with white eyes, and to be honest, he looked like an entitled douchebag. The last one was a girl who had pink hair with pink eyes, who's eyes had hearts in them. Wonder what she is going to pick... "I choose Greed!" The green haired girl said quickly. "Pride for me." Said the entitled bastard. The pink eyed girl piped up. "Lust for me, please!" You looked at Lucifer. "Ah, you all have chosen! From here on out, you are all known as the Seven Deadly Sins!" Lucifer bellowed.


A/N: So whoever asked for the RWBY Nora lemon, I am currently doing research. Which season do you want it? See you dudes later!

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