Yandere X Shy!Abused!Unstable!MaleReader ~I Live For You~

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A/N: The entire title is "Yandere X Shy! Abused!Unstable!MaleReader ~I Live For You~
Anyway, enjoy!

"Y/N, you useless bitch! Get back here!" you hear your mother yell. You are Y/N L/N, and you were abused your whole life. As early as you can remember, you can recall countless beatings and being starved. You look like a 7 year old, because of your body not getting enough nutrients to grow. You are quite shy and timid, because that was the only way not to get beaten. You have just run out of your mothers house, crying and battered from your mother. She was right on your tail, waving around a knife. You slip into an alleyway and climb up a fire escape, quickly losing your mother when you get to the roof. You see a girl walk onto the roof, which you have acquainted her as Kimaru Akechi. She was quite nice around you, and was so cute, but gave off sort of a creepy vibe, but you didn't mind, she was one of the only people who treated you nice. "Oh, hi Y/N-kun!" she says sweetly. You blush deeply. "H-hi Kimaru-chan." you stutter, making her giggle. She looks at you worriedly. "Oh no, what happened to you?" she asks, grabbing your cut up arm. "M-My mother g-g-got mad a-and c-c-cut me and called me u-u-useless." you tell her, tears streaming down your face. She grows a sadistic tone in her voice as her expression sharpens. "That bitch is going to pay for hurting my senpai..." she whispers quietly, so you don't hear her. You look at her as she smiles sweetly to you. "I am going to go get the first aid kit, so stay here, okay?" she says, while you nod, blushing. 'What is this feeling I feel? Is it...love?' you think to yourself as Kimaru comes up and bandages your cut arm. "This isn't good. Y/N, you should stay with me for tonight. I will need to clean it in the morning. Please stay." Kimaru says sadly. You nod and follow her into her house, clinging onto her arm as if your life depended on it. She brought you to a guest room, as she smiled as you walked in the room. "Goodnight, Y/N-kun~" she says sweetly as she closes the door. You, being tired layed down on the bed and fell asleep.

~The Next Day~

You woke up, yawning quietly as you rub the sleep away from your eyes. You get up and walk to the bathroom, only to step in a sticky, red liquid. Not really minding, as you stepped in grosser things, you open the door, as you do, you see your mothers corpse and two other bodies who you assumed to be Kimaru's parents. You start gagging and heaving, throwing up everywhere as you stare at the corpses in horror. You hear giggling behind you, and you turn around to find none other than Kimaru, covered in blood. "Oh, senpai, isn't it amazing? I did this all for you, they were getting in the way of our love, and now they can't stop us~" Kimaru said, her pupils small as she practically laughs with insanity. You look at her in disbelief, as you start to cry. "W-W-Why, K-Kimaru-chan? Why d-do this?" you ask, tears streaming down your face. "Oh, senpai, it was for our love. Now that they're dead, we can finally be together!~" she says maniacally. You slowly look down, your eyes glossing over. "You're right, they were getting in the way." you say coldly. "Oh, senpai, I knew you would accept my love!~" she says, a heavy blush covering her face. "Of course, my sweet Kimaru." you say happily. After that, you both had a private wedding, and you both have two kids, a boy and a girl, the girl taking after you and the boy taking after his mother. You both lived happily, even as you and her were arrested for the murder of your mother and her parents. In prison, you both requested to be executed with each other. You both died from lethal injection, holding each other in both of your arms. "'Til death do us part, and then in death, we will still be united."

Male Reader X Various One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ