9. Attention Seekers

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It was already 3 hours since they had dinner and feeling lethargic, the MoonStone pack went back to their house while the DarkMoon pack was in the living room, doing their own stuff. The 2 maknaes were chatting, Joonmyeon was reading a book and Yifan was just surfing through the channels.

Kyungsoo laughed again for the nth time that hour. His voice was like music to not only Chanyeol's, but also to the others' ears. "Tell me another!" Kyungsoo exclaimed like a kid who just got rewarded with candies and Chanyeol immediately went onto the next joke like he has a joke book in his head. In less than a minute, Kyungsoo's laughter can be heard again and the others smiled at him but glared at Chanyeol. Why does this giant freak get to hog onto Kyungsoo? Was he really that funny?

The maknaes looked at each other before smirking. Jongin smacked Sehun's back hardly and all heads in the house whipped towards them. Sehun hissed in pain and wanted to slap Jongin back but he held it in. "Hyung.." Sehun looked at Kyungsoo with teary eyes.

"Omo Sehun-ah!" Kyungsoo's motherly instincts kicked in and went in front of the maknae. "Are you okay?" He gently touched the place Jongin hit him. Sehun whimpered and shook his head, indicating that he is not okay at all.

"Hyung.. it hurts." Sehun whined and Kyungsoo bent forward to rub the sore spot while Sehun took this opportunity to rub his nose against his hyung's neck, breathing in his scent. The other realised what Sehun did and narrowed their eyes at the cunning maknae.

Joonmyeon went to the both of them and yanked Sehun away by pulling the back of his collar. "I will take care of him." The oldest among the three pulled the maknae up and dragged him to the kitchen. Kyungsoo watched Joonmyeon fixed Sehun up; still worried if the maknae will be alright. With a tugged of his shirt by Jongin, the red-headed male turned his attention to the blonde, who was innocently blinking at him.

"Jongin, you shouldn't hit Sehun even if he did something wrong, araso?" Kyungsoo crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Jongin fiercely. The younger male pouted a little before nodding and Kyungsoo ruffled his hair, giving him a smile. Jongin grinned and suddenly pulled Kyungsoo onto his lap and wrapping his arms around Kyungsoo. The smaller boy gave a small yelp but allowed Jongin to hug him.

Yifan raised an eyebrow, fascinated by the fact that it only took Kyungsoo a sentence to tame the wild boy when it took Yifan almost his whole life. Jongin kissed the back of Kyungsoo's head and the boy blushed as red as his hair, making the oldest chuckled. While the alpha admired Kyungsoo's red cheeks, Park Derpyeol was frowning. He was having one of his best times by making Kyungsoo laugh and the maknaes just had to steal his joy away. Although the giant was unhappy, he decided to let it go when he realised that the others want to spend some time with their newest member as well. 

Chanyeol may not say it or express it as well as Jongin but he knew that the doe eye boy was slowly stealing his heart and he also knew that he was not the only one whose heart had been stolen.

Joonmyeon looked at Kyungsoo and Jongin interact while Sehun was sitting on the stool, looking at them as well. The older male knew that there was nothing wrong with Sehun. It was obvious that the 2 maknaes had planned it all along and even if Sehun was really injured, he would have healed 5 seconds after Jongin hit him. 

That was one of the benefits of being a shape shifter but Kyungsoo does not know that because he could never heal that fast and Joonmyeon was determined to find out why even if he has to spend his whole life searching on google.com. If anything was to happen to Kyungsoo and he could not heal himself in time, he might die and no way was Joonmyeon going to risk that.

Jongin was humming a tune softly while rocking the boy in his arms to sleep. Feeling comfortable and sleepy by the warm radiating from Jongin's body, Kyungsoo snuggled closer to him and closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. He should be exhausted all right. He had a weird dream in the morning and ran away in the afternoon when he found out he was healed only to be found again and brought back to the pack house when he agreed to join the DarkMoon. He was already tired at that point and Kim Minseok just had to suggest a mini party, tiring the red-headed male even further. 

While brushing a stray hair away from Kyungsoo's face, Jongin met eyes with the maknae and the both of them grinned, happy with how their plan turned out. Sehun was more than satisfied when Kyungsoo cared for him. Jongin was a bit greedier though, so he decided to hog Kyungsoo, not wanting the others to have him.

"Is he sleeping?" Yifan broke the silence that was going on after Kyungsoo slept. Jongin looked at his alpha and nodded. "Joonmyeon, is everything prepared?" Yifan asked his second-in-charge.

"Yes, I've packed everything and his uniform is in his closet." Joonmyeon said.

"Good. As you guys know, there is something wrong with Kyungsoo's body. He's a shifter but he cannot heal like us and if I am not wrong, his abilities might be weaker than normal shifters as well which includes his senses and the size of his wolf. Protect him once he's in school okay? He looks weak and the humans or other shifters might bully him once he is alone so make sure there is someone with him all the time." Yifan instructed and his members immediately agreed. 

There was no need for their alpha to say it because they will protect Kyungsoo without hesitation but they know that their alpha was just worried, that's all. "I will get someone to check up on his body and Joonmyeon and I will find out why is he like this. In the meantime, do make sure he does not get hurt and if he does, seek treatment immediately. I've already arranged for Kyungsoo to be in every class Zitao is in so that there will be someone to protect him even in the classroom." Yifan said and got up, walking towards his room.

"Oh," He suddenly stopped and everyone gave their fullest attention to him again. "Don't let anyone get away with hurting Soo if he ever gets bullied." With that, he went into his room. The DarkMoon pack members let their leader's words sink in. They knew what he meant by that. It is either they kill those people or make sure they will be in the hospital for at least a month.

A normal person would find that Yifan is exaggerating everything and making a big fuss out of something that has yet to happen but the DarkMoon pack member were not exactly sane, especially when their hearts are stolen by the sleeping boy in Jongin's arms.

"Jongin, I'll bring him to his room. Go and wash up and rest early as there's still school tomorrow." Joonmyeon carried Kyungsoo in his arms and went to the younger male's room. Being as gentle as he could, he placed the boy on his bed before pulling the covers up to Kyungsoo's neck so that he will not catch a cold. "Goodnight Bambi." Joonmyeon patted Kyungsoo's head and left the room.

Once Kyungsoo heard a soft click, indicating that the door is close, he opened his eyes. He was not asleep the whole time but just resting on Jongin's chest. Remembering Yifan's words and the other's response, the doe eye boy could not help but feel touched by their protectiveness. He was happy that there is finally someone who is willing to protect him but he could not help but feel uneasy. 

There was a reason why Yifan is the leader and it is not only because of the alpha blood in the older male. He was sure that his alpha must have felt uneasy, as if something were to happen. A soft sigh escaped Kyungsoo's plump lips and he closed his eyes, wanting to just fall asleep so that he would not have to think about anything.

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