25. TwoMoons Pack

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The members of the twin packs sat around in the living room as their alphas went through the situations with them. "The other shifters and humans are rebuilding the school so it has been closed down for the time being. During that time, I want each and everyone of you to train like your life depends on it." Yifan said.

"It has something to do with the intruders, right?" Sehun softly asked his alpha. It has been a few days since that incident happened and the others were still worried about Kyungsoo, who has not fully recovered.

"If we are not wrong, they are after Kyungsoo but we must not let him know about it." Yixing told them and they stiffened at his words. Who are they and what do they want with Kyungsoo? "Kyungsoo is not normal." He whispered.

"What do you mean by that? If it is about his body, then we all know that he can't heal like us." Minseok spoke but Yifan shook his head.

"We know why he can't heal like us." Yifan looked at them and they looked back in attention, wondering what he is going to say next. "He is the wolf demon." Shocked replaced the confusion and alertness on their faces. Yifan knew that they are not going to believe him just like that so he explained, telling them whatever he told his brother.

"You're lying." Baekhyun shook his head in denial as tears filled his eyes. He was not the only one on the verge of tears, even Zitao was about to cry. Yifan could understand their pain because that was what he was feeling now but as a leader, he cannot break down or the whole pack will be in chaos.

"Baek-" Luhan squeezed Baekhyun's shoulder but the younger male pulled back and stood up.

"You're lying!" He exclaimed as the tears finally flowed down. "He can't die." He whispered and the others looked away sadly.

"We can't run away from reality." Yifan started but Jongin cut him off.

"Then are we supposed to accept the fact that he might die? Are we supposed to pretend that nothing will happen and not tell Kyungsoo anything?" He glared at his alpha.

"We have to, Jongin. What if Kyungsoo finds out that he is the demon wolf? He might run away and once they know he is alone, they will get him." Yixing tried to calm the blonde male down.

"Guys? Baek hyung?" A gentle and soft voice filled the room as Kyungsoo appeared. His huge eyes were filled with worry as he went to Baekhyun. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Baekhyun shook his head and told him it is nothing but the doe eyed boy was still worried about his hyung.

"Yixing." Dujoon came out of the room as well and went to the healer. "You can close his wounds. I've already gotten what I need and I'll report it to you once I have the answer." The doctor said and left. Yixing could have told Dujoon that they knew why Kyungsoo's body is like that and that the doctor does not need to find out because it will be meaningless but he kept quiet about it instead. One lesser person who knew it also means there is a lesser chance that outsiders will know Kyungsoo is the wolf demon.

"Bambi." Yixing motioned for Kyungsoo to go to him and made him sit down. Yixing then gently placed his hand on the wound and the red-headed male could feel himself getting stronger and having more energy. As Kyungsoo let Yixing heal him, he looked around and noticed that the atmosphere in the living room was so tense and that no one was looking at him, unlike how they usually will.

"Is something wrong?" He spoke and they finally looked at him. To tell or not to tell, that was the question and they did not know which one to choose. "Erm.. I can go back to the room if you guys do not want me here." He was about to stand up when Yifan made him sit down again.

"You are one of us now and we always do things together."

Chanyeol nodded and gave Kyungsoo his toothy grin. "Hyung is right so you don't have to feel like you are imposing." The giant does not want Kyungsoo to worry about them and he also does not want him to suspect anything.

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