28. Cousins

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It was a wonderful morning and Kyungsoo and Geunyoung were running around in the forest in their wolf form. After a heavy meal and a goodnight rest from the incident yesterday, everyone felt better, especially the two cousins. Kyungsoo stopped running when he saw the Halo Lake and happily trotted towards it. Geunyoung stopped as well when she saw her cousin taking huge gulps of water from the magical lake and tiredly went towards him.

The red-headed male yelped softly before nodding towards the lake and she followed him by drinking from it too. Kyungsoo than changed back into his human form and removed his shoes before dipping his legs into the water, like always. He stretched his tired body before letting out a contented sigh. Geunyoung joined him by sitting beside him and dipping her legs into the water as well.

"Kyung," Geunyoung broke the silence and Kyungsoo turned to look at her. "Do you like it here?" She asked him, even though she knows the answer. Just from dinner last night, she could see that the members of the TwoMoon pack cares for her cousin a lot. They showed so much care and concern for Kyungsoo that any blind person would be able to see that they love him. But the question is, does he love them back?

"I do. I love the Halo Lake, the town, its people and the TwoMoon pack." He answered without hesitation as he smiled happily. Geunyoung could almost see the boy glowing in happiness, something she is not able to see when he was in his old pack.

"They love you, you know?" She said and a blush was slowly creeping up on his face.

"Y-Yea, I know." He cleared his throat before swinging his legs in the water gently.

"What about you? Do you love them? Or at least one of them?" She questioned. Kyungsoo bit his bottom lip as he thought about Geunyoung's question. Does he love them? It was true that he is very happy with them and being without them is unthinkable. It was also true that his heart will tend to beat faster when they touched him or showed their affection for him. But is that love? Who truly knows the meaning of love anyway?

"I don't know." He honestly said. He knew that they will be waiting for him to accept them as lovers but what if he was wrong? What if it was not love he felt but just a family bond? It will break their hearts if that were to happen. "I only know that I do not want to be separated from them."

Geunyoung gave him a warm smile as she ruffled his hair. "Don't worry too much about that, Kyung. You will find your answer one day." Kyungsoo nodded at her words, as the frown on his forehead slowly disappeared.

"What about you noona? Do you like it here? If you do then you should stay here because going home would be too dangerous for you."

"You do know that you are in danger too, right?" She gave him a flat look. They already had this conversation last night and the both of them almost got into an argument just because Kyungsoo insisted on staying.

"Like I said yesterday, I just can't leave them and they will never leave this town. They promised to protect the people and they will never break the promise or the trust of the people just for me. Besides, I promised the people too so I am staying."

"They know where you are, and they will come after you when they realised I am not back."

"Then let them come. I'm sure Yifan hyung and the others will have a plan for them." He simply said.

"Aren't you worried that the innocent people here might get involved in the fight? Aren't you worried that your alpha's plan might not work and they might kidnap you? Well, if you aren't worried than I am! I am so afraid that something might happen to you!" She shouted, taking Kyungsoo back by surprise. Geunyoung has always been the calm type. She did not blow her top even though they almost argued yesterday. But she could not take it anymore. When will this idiot start caring for himself? When will the fact that an enemy wants him for no good reason get through his thick skull?

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