4. The twin packs

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Jongin took a shirt from his closet and examined it for a few seconds before throwing it behind him. Kyungsoo huffed in annoyance as the black fabric landed on his head and he yanked it down before placing it on Jongin's bed. Jongin took out another shirt before sighing and throwing it behind him again. This time, Kyungsoo managed to catch his shirt. "I don't think any of your clothes will fit me. I mean you are larger than me." He stated the obvious and the younger male stopped to turn around and face Kyungsoo.

"You're right." Jongin finally said as if he just realised it and Kyungsoo fought the urge to roll his eyes.

"You should bring him to the other house." Chanyeol went into the room. He almost smacked his dongsaeng for being so retarded. I mean only a blind person would not be able to see that Jongin's clothes cannot fit Kyungsoo.

"That's right! Come on bambi." Jongin went out of the room with Chanyeol behind him. Kyungsoo wanted to fuss about Jongin's nickname for him or ask about 'the other pack' but he just opted for following them. They left the house and Kyungsoo saw that the pack house was just an ordinary one level house when he turned back. He then quickly followed the other two as he took huge steps because their legs are much longer than his. Walking through the forest, he realised that he had been there when the hunter attacked him because he recognised the familiar lake.

When they finally went past the small forest, Kyungsoo looked around and he saw that they were on a normal street like any other on this country. Similar but smaller houses were on the pavements and this place was peaceful. The people were smiling to each other when they walked past or saw one another. Unlike his old town, this town was bigger but less complicated and friendlier. At his old place, the town was smaller and the people were nasty to each other, each doing things for their own benefits. It was a busy street too but here, everyone seems relaxed. They saw Kyungsoo and instead of giving him disgusted faces or frowns like the people in his old town would, they smiled warmly to him, which he gratefully returned.

"We are here." Chanyeol announced and Kyungsoo looked up just to bang his nose into the giant's hard chest.

"Ow.." Kyungsoo mumbled while rubbing his nose and the giant could not help but laughed. Kyungsoo blinked at Chanyeol while Chanyeol just continued laughing. Instead of feeling angry for being mocked, Kyungsoo soon started to join Chanyeol in the laughter as the elder's laughter was simply just contagious. Kyungsoo also felt like Chanyeol did not intend to mock him but just found the situation funny, and Chanyeol did. He laughed because Kyungsoo was looked so clueless when he was walking down the street and looked cute when he rubbed his sore nose.

"Are you guys coming in? Minseok hyung cooked some hamburgers for lunch." The moment those words came out of Jongin's mouth, Chanyeol seemed to forget about the small boy and dashed into the house.

"FOOD!!" He immediately ran to the kitchen. Jongin went in after Chanyeol and Kyungsoo after Jongin. The interior of the house was almost similar to the first house he was in.

"This is the MoonStone pack. We are the DarkMoon pack and both packs are like twin packs because the alphas are half-brothers." Jongin explained to Kyungsoo as he grabbed on Kyungsoo's hand again and lead him to a room. The room was clean and fresh smelling which made Kyungsoo smile a little. "Here. This should fit. Minseok and you have similar builds." Jongin passed Kyungsoo a clean dark blue shirt.

"Erm.. where's the toilet?" Kyungsoo asked and the blonde led him to the nearest toilet. After seeing his blush when Jongin first hugged him and when Chanyeol lifted up his shirt, Jongin knew this boy was very shy and not used to skinship at all.

"I heard there's a new kid." Yixing, the alpha of the MoonStone pack went to Jongin who was outside 'guarding' Kyungsoo. Chanyeol had told Yixing about Kyungsoo while stuffing his face with a hamburger. Yixing smelled the air and knew Chanyeol was right when he smelled a foreign scent. Before Jongin could answer, Kyungsoo came out of the bathroom and Yixing felt like the world had slowed down and all he could see was the small build boy with huge bambi eyes and a pair of full lips in front of him. Yixing shook his head a few times and snapped out of his trance.

"Yixing hyung, this is the new kid, er.. what's your name?" Jongin realised he does not even know Kyungsoo's name.

"My name is Do Kyungsoo, sir." Kyungsoo bowed a little, nervous to be around another alpha.

"I'm Zhang Yixing but you can just call me Yixing or hyung if you want to. I'm the alpha of the MoonStone pack." Yixing introduced himself before turning to look at Jongin. "Does hyung know about it?" Yixing asked and Jongin simply nodded.

"Shall we get going?" Jongin asked and Yixing nodded with a small smile before walking away. Kyungsoo let out a small breathe of relief. He was glad that Yixing was not as scary as his brother. Jongin tugged onto Kyungsoo's hand and Kyungsoo just let Jongin bring him wherever the boy wanted to. He was already used to Jongin touching him after the 3rd time.

A normal person would just leave the moment he woke up instead of staying with these random people but Kyungsoo was not normal. Kyungsoo was abused, hurt and scarred. The two packs did not hurt him and they have no intention to or they would not have even saved Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo know he should not say this especially since he did not really know these people but he felt safe. He felt safe and protected the moment Yifan and Jongin saved him from the hunter and now knowing that the alpha of the other pack is a nice guy, he felt safer. He just hoped that the other pack members would be as nice as those he met and hopefully not look down on him.

"There he is. Is that my shirt?" Minseok smiled when he saw Kyungsoo but raised a brow at Jongin. Jongin sheepishly smiled and he scratched the back of his head. He knew the elder did not like people touching his stuff without his consent. Fortunately for Jongin, Minseok just smiled and went to Kyungsoo. "You fit in this perfectly. Zitao, go and pack more clothes for him." Minseok told the maknae and Zitao did as instructed. Kyungsoo's eyes widened a little when he saw that the Zitao guy looks kind of scary.

"Don't worry. Zitao looks scary but he is actually very childish and kind. I'm Luhan by the way and I'm Sehun's cousin." Luhan grinned.

"Se-who?" Kyungsoo frowned in confusion. He did not remember such names. In fact, he did not know anyone's name from the DarkMoon pack at all.

"Come on guys, let's go over! It's time for lunch and Park Derpyeol! Stop eating and think about others. There is enough to go around so wait till we are at your house to continue eating!" A feminine looking guy smacked Chanyeol at the back of his head and made Chanyeol carrying a huge basket of food while he made Jongdae carry another basket.

"Okay, everybody out! It's time for lunch!" Minseok announced and one by one, they went out of the house and headed to the DarkMoon pack's house. Zitao came out as well while carrying a backpack. Kyungsoo did not know who to follow so he just walked beside Jongin since he knew that guy more than anyone here. Jongin noticed that and chuckled. He slung an arm over Kyungsoo's shoulder like before and Kyungsoo blushed again. Jongin tried not to laugh out loud when he saw Kyungsoo's adorable cheeks growing red. From that moment, Jongin decided that red would be his new favourite colour as it reminds him of Kyungsoo's hair and the colour of his blush.

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