29. Kissing Bandits

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"Harder!" Yifan demanded and Kyungsoo threw a stronger punch towards Zitao. The wushu practiser easily blocked it by grabbing onto his fist. "Soo, you got to think that Zitao is now your enemy and hit him with all you got." Yifan instructed.

Kyungsoo looked at Yifan for a few seconds before mumbling an 'okay'. It would be hard for him to think about injuring his friends but he has to train so that he will not be a burden to his pack when GreyRaven attacks. "Hit me as hard as you can. Ignore that I am Huang Zitao now. Imagine me as the person who wants you. Hate me like you hate all of your bullies for making your life miserable. ATTACK ME." Zitao told him, hoping that anger would be able to help him train.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes and thought about his past, hoping to trigger and turn on the anger switch within him. He thought about his old pack, how they ordered him around, how they made fun of him and how they made him feel so pathetic. He clenched his fists tightly as he let his emotions take over him, but not till the extend where he would be lost in his own anger.

His eyes snapped opened and Zitao's heart stopped beating for a second when he saw Kyungsoo's golden eyes. Before the wushu practiser could react, Kyungsoo had already swung his fist towards him. Zitao tried to block it by grabbing onto his fist again but this time, Kyungsoo was not only able to make Zitao miss the block but to also push the boy backwards by a few steps. Before waiting for Zitao to recover from his shock, Kyungsoo kicked the side of Zitao's body, making him fly this time as he crashed into the wall of the house.

The others immediately ran out of the house to see what the commotion was about. They were ordered to stay inside when Kyungsoo is training because Yifan is afraid that they will do something to prevent Kyungsoo from being hurt. The rest of the members got out of the house in worry because they thought the one who got injured was their Bambi. To their surprise, Kyungsoo was standing there with his golden eyes while the one on the floor is the maknae of the MoonStone pack. The red-headed male realised what he just did and quickly ran towards Zitao. "Oh my God! Are you alright? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Kyungsoo started babbling as he tried to explain himself. Zitao ensured him that he was alright and Kyungsoo sighed in relief as his eyes turned back to its original colour. Yixing then went to Zitao to see if he really was alright.

"Oh my God is right." Joonmyeon whispered in shock and awe. He- no they would not believe that Do Kyungsoo, the weak and innocent bambi had just made one of their best fighters fall to the ground. Yifan looked at Minseok and the oldest of them all caught his eyes. His alpha nodded towards Kyungsoo and Minseok knew what his alpha was trying to tell him. With a nod, he ran towards the doe eyed boy.

Kyungsoo felt someone running towards him and looked at that direction just in time to block the punch Minseok gave him. The beta than grabbed onto his hand and pulled Kyungsoo towards him. Twisting Kyungsoo's arm so that he can pinned it behind his back, Minseok kicked one of Kyungsoo's legs and they fell to the ground, Minseok on top of the younger male.

"Think about your anger, Soo!" Yifan shouted. "Make your anger the key to your strength but do not let it consume you. Use that emotion and do not let it make use of you." Kyungsoo's eyes slowly turned golden again and the oldest of them all quickly moved away before Kyungsoo could throw him to another town. Minseok changed into his wolf and growled. Kyungsoo did the same and snarled back in defence. The both of them suddenly gave out a loud roar as they charged towards each other.

"He's getting better." Yixing went to his brother after he was done making sure that Zitao is alright.

"He sure is. Everyone of us can feel that his passion of learning how to fight is so strong and it worries me some time." Yifan said as he watched Kyungsoo try to bite Minseok's leg but the older male dodged it.

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