23. Injured Bambi

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With a sudden surge of power, Kyungsoo pushed the hunter with one hand and he flew backwards. Sehun shut his eyes tightly as he waited for the pain to come but nothing did. No pain, no blood, nothing except for the warmness radiating from Kyungsoo. He then felt something warm and sticky on his paw and looked down to see that it was covered in blood. It was not his blood and neither was it the hunter's blood as it belongs to Do Kyungsoo.

Sehun shifted back to his human form when he felt Kyungsoo loose his footing and the maknae supported him. "Thank God. I was afraid that something might happen to you." Kyungsoo gave him a weak smile. He shut his eyes tightly as another wave of pain hit him. He then opened his eyes to stay awake but he was panting heavily and his eye lids drooped down halfway.

"No.." Sehun shook his head in denial when he realised Kyungsoo sacrificed himself just to save him. The dagger that the hunter was holding onto seconds ago is now plunged into the right side of the boy's waist. "No!" Tears filled Sehun's eyes as he tried to stop the blood from flowing out by pressing onto it. Kyungsoo hissed in pain at the sudden contact and Sehun stopped his actions, not wanting to hurt his friend anymore.

A loud roar of agony was heard before the blonde wolf appeared. He was angry, furious to be exact that someone hurt his precious friend. No one gets to do that and get out in one piece.

Yifan was killing a hunter when he smelled Kyungsoo's blood in the air. Time seemed to slow down as he watched Kyungsoo collapsed into Sehun's arms followed by Jongin running towards them. The hunter that hurt his newest member stood up with a smirk on his face but Yifan could see that he was afraid as Jongin growled at him. Never taking his eyes off the hunter, Jongin walked towards his prey. However, before Jongin could kill the hunter, Yifan was already tearing his limbs off, giving him a slow and painful death. How dare he hurt Kyungsoo? How dare he stab him like Kyungsoo does not feel any pain or will not die? Yifan promised to never let the red-headed male be in anymore pain but he broke it when he promised him not too long ago.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." Sehun sobbed as he hugged Kyungsoo tightly. He felt like his heart was breaking into two. Kyungsoo was hurt because of him and he will never forgive himself if anything were to happen to Kyungsoo.

Yifan went to Kyungsoo and the boy smiled, happy that his alpha was not hurt. "I'm okay." Kyungsoo reached out to stroke the fur on Yifan's cheek but Yifan could see that he was not okay at all. Colours were draining from his face and the snow around them was stained with his blood. Yifan gently pushed the maknae away and carried Kyungsoo on his back before running towards the office, Jongin and Sehun hot on his trail.

"Yixing hyung!" Jongin was the first to shift back and went to where the alpha of the MoonStone pack was.

"Fuck. Bring him here." Yixing cursed when he saw an injured Kyungsoo on his brother's back. He wanted to kill that man who hurt the one he loves but he knew that his friends had already taken care of it.

Jongin gently placed Kyungsoo on the couch when the humans moved away and Sehun went to Kyungsoo's side. "We got to go." Yifan shifted and told his members.

"I can't. He's like this because of me. I can't concentrate without knowing he is okay." Sehun wiped his tears but a fresh set of tears replaced the old one.

Jongin wanted to stay, to know if his bambi is okay but he knew that they had a more important job. Now all they can do is to trust Yixing and his powers. "Stay strong." Jongin squeezed Kyungsoo's hand before running out of the office, his alpha behind him.

"Kyungsoo, this might hurt a little." Yixing warned the injured male. Although he was on the verge of fainting, he opened one of his eyes and nodded a little. He was prepared for the worst. As long as his friends are okay, he did not mind taking all the damage because if it was not for them, he would have been dead by now.

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