Part 1 Louis' Unicorn Diary

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[Excuse us before hand for any text language. We were doing this via tweeting and tried fitting it in the best we could]

Also please vote, comment and or fan us! Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy the fanfic enough to stick to reading it! xx -Genesis

Part 1

Louis’ Unicorn Diary

Giant happy turtles rise from the ground playing What Makes You Beautiful on ukuleles while Irish dancing. Liam comes from out of nowhere playing along with the turtles. Suddenly, the turtles break in half and the halves sink into the ground revealing Paul standing where the turtles once were. He appears the way Aphrodite did when coming out of the sea. Then Harry walks in losing a shoe every other step because of no shoelaces. Louis comes up from behind to pick up the shoe every time he loses it and sparkles. Little children run up to him yelling “I LOVE CARROTS!” so he turns around and slaps them with his Gucci bag. Harry says not to be a sassy fraz. Louis gives him the sassy eyes and flips his fringe like the Sassmaster he is. Harry hisses like a cat but Niall comes & jumps in-between like a leprechaun. Louis just scoffs flicks his fringe, throws his Gucci bag over his shoulder and struts off. Harry looks flabbergasted and exclaims to Louis, “Fine I see how it is!” He turns into a kitty and a fluff ball and pouts. Niall swoops in and Irish dances to try and cheer him up while Daddy Direction yells at the Sassmaster for making Harry cry. Harry just stays in a little ball. Louis says to Liam, “I don’t need him correcting my sassy frazzness!” He does a Z formation snap.

Liam whips out his laptop and starts doing a Twit Cam complaining about sassy Louis, upset Harry, and the turtles disappearing. Zayn comes out of nowhere all sleepy eyed and says "Vas...happenin...?” yawns and stretches. Liam calls from behind his Laptop “ZAYYYN!! Come say hi to the fans! Guys let’s trend #zaynsawake ! Woo! You guys are great!” Zayn walks over and gives a sleepy 'hey' to the fans and walks away. Liam says goodbye to the viewers, logs off then proceeds to tell Zayn off for "being rude to the fans.”

"Yo man chill, chill. This is bad for your nerves." Zayn says to Liam, "Trust me some just died from me saying hello." He plopped on a couch. Liam countered with, “Yeah? Well they were all yelling at me for you to come back!”

"Not my issue..." Zayn falls asleep.

Louis says “Zayn's hair is just not okay” and proceeds to trim his quiff with his barber scissors that he keeps with him. Harry peeks from his ball and giggles to himself. Louis, taking this as some sort of insult, yells, "You want a haircut too Curly!? Because Gurlfrand, you're hair is cray. A tear streamed down Harry’s face, “I was just laughing at what you were doing, Lou…”

Louis says, “Sorry Hazz but Zayn's quiff is just too high. Sorry my sassy side came out there. You know I love your curls! "And I love you too, boo bear" Harry says while bashfully turning his head to the side. At that moment Zayn wakes up, rolls his eyes at the 2 boys then gets up and walks to the bathroom to check his hair.

“What is wrong with you two? I think I’ll get meself some food." Niall pauses "Harry cook something." Harry sighs then gets up and chuckles. "Okay, Nialler." and he went at made Fajitas for everyone.

"Harry always makes the best!” Niall says but looks around, "Where’s Zayn?" Liam notices Zayn is gone too. "Yeah where did he go?"

Then Harry remembered, "He went in to the bathroom after his nap!” At that moment Zayn comes running out of the bathroom with a frantic look on his face. “Th-there's a CHUNK Missing! A chunk missing f-from my HAIR!” He shouted in a shaky voice. Louis and Harry laugh hysterically. Liam whacks both Louis & Harry on the head “What did you two do??!” he exclaims at the two friends.

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