Part 21 Zayn's Literal Dream Girl

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Part 21

Zayn’s Literal Dream Girl

Harry woke up a few hours later and Louis was still sleeping. He slid out from Louis arms and sat on the edge of the bed.  He slowly stood up and looked back at Louis to make. Sure he was sleeping and walked to Zayn's room, knocking on the door.

He heard some shuffling inside then the door opened. "Eh...?" Zayn rubbed his eyes and saw it was Harry. "Harry? Are you supposed to be outta bed?" he asked.

Harry shrugged. "Louis asleep, and we hadn't talked in a while, so I thought I'd come here."

Zayn opened the door wider and gestured for Harry to walk in. "Well come in! I think you shouldn't stand up too long cause we want you to recover as soon as possible."

Harry came in and sat on Zayn's bed."So how've you been?"

"I've been's been kinda quiet without you and Louis going around the house though."

Harry giggled. "Are we really that loud?"

Zayn laughed a little too. "A little. Both of you together kinda make a good amount of noise."

"Sorry!" Harry chuckled. "So what have you and the boys been up to?"

"No need to be sorry." Zayn smiled. "We're all just doing our own thing. I've been drawing some stuff & Liam has been doing Daddy duties while Niall eats and sleeps. He especially can’t wait for you to get cook."

Harry nodded. "I wish I was able to cook for him. I feel kinda bad" he frowned slightly.

"Nah, don't be. It isn't your fault so nothing you can do about it. How've you been?"

Harry thought for a second. "Not much really... I came downstairs for the 1st time today... Although it did scare Lou pretty bad, and He also broke up with El today."

"You came down on your own?" Zayn looked shocked. "And he broke up with El? Wow..."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I needed water and Louis was talking to Liam... So you've been drawing?"

"Uh yeah um little things though...sort of. They aren't my usual short comics though."

"Can I see?" Harry asked sort of eagerly, looking up at the older boy.

"S-sure." Zayn said nervously, getting up and taking a sketchbook from a drawer. He brought it over to Harry who opened it to find drawings of him and the rest of the boys just hanging out in the dining room, or at concerts.

Harry flipped through them smiling "These are really cool Zayn!"

"They're nothing really...thanks." the older boy said, with a halfway smile. Then Harry fell upon a profile drawing of a girl.

He looked up at Zayn. "Who's this?"he asked curiously.

Zayn blushed a little. "This sounds a little silly but she's just a girl I see in my's stupid, I know."

"It's not stupid! That's sweet! She's really pretty. You must dream about her a lot?" he asked studying the picture again. Zayn nodded and smiled. "Yeah I do. I wonder sometimes if she's real though. She seems so real that I can't wait to go to sleep to see her, then hate it when I wake up..."

Harry thought for a second. "Does she have a name?"

"Her name is Natasha..."

Harry nodded. "I'd say look her up but no last name" he frowned. "Sorry Zayn."

"Thanks Haz. It’s ok though. I'll find her one day...I guess."

"You will! You got the boys to help you too!" Harry said draping an arm over Zayn's shoulder.

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