Part 22 Plans

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Just a friendly reminder to please Comment or Vote or Fan please!!! Sorry if the chapters cut off in weird places but if they didn't cut off where they are at the chapters would be SUPER long! xx -Genesis Thanks for reading!

Part 22


Harry's smile faded and was replaced with a confused look as he turned to look towards the hall. Zayn also turned around with a confused look as they saw Louis shuffled into the kitchen, yawning & rubbing his eyes. Harry smiled slightly again "Hey Louu!" he said happily.

"Heyyy Hazz and Zaynn" Louis said tiredly, sitting down then realizing Harry was up & about. "Wait! Harry?!"

Harry gave Louis a slightly guilty look. "Yeah Lou?" he asked sheepishly.

"What are you doing up??" Louis asked, obviously still surprised.

"Um well I went to Zayn’s room then we played a game and now we just ate a snack." He said looking down at the table.

Louis got up and walked over behind Harry and put his arms over his shoulder, sort of hugging him. "Aw Haz don’t look that way. I was a little surprised & scared to see you up but I’m also happy cos it means you’re getting a little better."

Harry smiled "Sorry for scaring you." he said looking up at Louis.

"No its fine Haz, I forgive you." He smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek. He was still hugging him but faced Zayn. "Thanks for giving him a snack." he said.

Zayn shrugged. "No problem. I was hungry too."

Lou let go of Haz then said "Oh! I have to make an appointment with my doc. I guess I'll do it tomorrow to get it over with?" He asked glancing at Harry.

Harry nodded. "Yeah. Were you gonna ask Liam to go with you?"

"Oh yeah I'll do that after I make the appointment to see the doc. Be right back!" Lou left the room & came back with the phone to his ear. "Uh yeah it's me Louis...I'll make the appointment for 3pm? Sounds fine. Great ...yeah...see you then!" he hung up and sat down.

Harry looked over at Lou. "So it's all set up then?" he asked curiously

"Yep it's all set up! Ugh...why do I need another Cat Scan anyway…” Lou mumbled.

"It’s for the best Lou. Just to make sure you're getting better!" Harry reassured him.

"Well...alright whatever you say Haz. So what game did you guys play?" he asked.

"We played guess the drawing!!" Harry said excitedly like a little kid telling his parents about his day at school.

"I bet you won, Zayn! haha!" Louis said. "Sorry, just kidding. But who won?”

Harry shrugged. "Nah I won because I tried to draw a cat." he frowned while Zayn burst into laughter again. Louis laughed too. "This I gotta see! What did it look like, Zayn?"

Harry buried his face in his hands. Zayn on the other hand was still laughing "I thought it was Niall!" he choked out.

"Haha aww Harry don’t feel bad! We’re playing with you!" Lou said.

Harry shook his head. "I know. I'm just not a good drawer..." he mumbled into his hands.

Louis smirked. "But you’re good at other things, Haz."

Harry looked up. "Like what?" he smirked back.

"Many many things." Louis said slyly.

Harry blushed and looked down. After a second he spoke again. "Wanna see the picture Zayn drew!?"

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