Part 10 Leaving the Hospital and Going Home

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Part 10

Leaving the Hospital and Going Home

Harry put his face in his hands. "Are you kidding me!? " he mumbled.

The doctor sighed, "I’m afraid I'm not..."

Louis looked pale & his face felt numb. "I'm sorry, Harry..."he said.

Harry sighed. "Well. I guess we are gonna have to make sure he doesn't faint again huh?..."

The doctor nodded, "Exactly. He has to stay hydrated & not get overly stressed, especially in the next week or so."

"Doesn’t seem too hard. We can manage that. Right, Lou?" He said turning his head to face the older boy.

Louis had looked a little dazed out but nodded, "Eh, yeah, doesn't seem too hard." Then the doctor said, "Symptoms of fainting could be lightheadedness, etc...Here's a pamphlet." he handed it to Harry.

Harry nodded. "Right then, can we go now?"

"Yes. The bill will be sent to your house. I'll be going, have a good day." So he left.

Harry got up and pulled out his phone. "I'm calling Paul to pick us up. You might wanna get dressed."

Louis got out of the bed & took out his clothes from yesterday & put them on, ready to go.

"Alright Paul is on his way. Let’s go!" He handed Louis some sunglasses and a hat. "Just in case."

The older boy took the sunglasses and a hat, smiled, & said, as he put them on, "Thanks, Hazza."

"No Problem." He said taking off his signature blazer and covering his famous curls with a hat.

The boys made it outside where Paul was waiting with a car. They drove home & entered the house. Harry Stopped Louis in the entryway and whispered "What about Zayn?"

"I'll ...handle it."

Harry nodded. "Good luck." And with that he headed towards his room.

Louis desperately wanted to follow Harry but he knew there was work to be done. He walked to Zayn's bedroom door and knocked. "Zayn?"

"For the 100th time Liam! I don’t want to talk to you." came an angry voice.

The older boy sighed and replied, "...It's not Liam, Zayn, it's Louis."

"Oh..." There was a small pause. "Come in I guess..."

Louis slowly opened Zayn's door and walked in. He decided to sit down next to Zayn on the bed. "Hey."

Zayn sat hugging his pillow "Hey." he mumbled into the fabric.

Louis decided to get it over with and calmly said "Zayn, I’m sorry but we can’t have a bromance together."

"Yeah. I kinda figured..." He said squeezing his eyes shut

"I'm very sorry, Zayn. If I could Id make a replica of me for you but..." Louis seemed a little pale, “I can't and I'm very sorry. Harry can't stand to share me and vise versa...We're inseparable. I hope you understand."

Zayn turned and looked at Louis "It's okay. I understand. I just hope you are alright."

"I'm fine...just have to be a little more careful now." He felt a little nauseous but smiled, "Do you mind if I go now?"

"No. Go ahead." Zayn smiled reassuringly. "Sorry for the drama"

"It's alright. Don't be sorry, ok? It's not your fault. Maybe you should rest a little." with that Louis left to Harry's room. He walked in to find Harry under the covers on the bed, with a pile of clothes tossed on the side.

"Hey Lou..." Harry mumbled tiredly.

Louis took out his phone while taking off his clothes leaving his boxers, lay down on the bed and quickly texted the results of the CS to his mom & put the phone aside. He covered himself & hugged Harry, "Hey Hazz."

Harry turned around "So how'd it go?"

"It is fine, he understands." Louis answered, still hugging Harry, with his eyes closed. He seemed pale.

"Um You Okay Lou? You seem Pale..." Harry Said looking up at the older boy, Concerned

"I feel a little weak & tired but I'm fine, I guess. I just really want to stay here & sleep with you, Hazz"

"Good. I'm tired too." He said wrapping his arms around Louis' waist

As Louis was falling asleep he said, "I'm really sorry for messing up yesterday’s dinner Harry. I love you."

"I didn't care about the dinner a just wanted to spend more time with you." He whispered inn Louis ear as he closed his eyes

Louis silently made a small gasp and fell asleep right away with a smile on his face.

Liam, in the other room with Niall, was reading when he heard the other boys come home. He decided to go check to see if everything was fine, and found that there was no arguing going on so he decided to go back to the room and fall asleep.

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