Part 15 Back Home Again

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Part 15

Back Home Again

In the morning, the pain meds had worn off. Harry turned over, wincing massively, and groaning. The older boy immediately woke up & had a panicked look on his face. "Harry?? Do you need more meds?" Harry didn't respond. He just whimpered a little, his eyes squeezed shut. Louis immediately called for a nurse who instantly attached a tube to the younger boy's arm that sent small dosages at a time into Harry's body. Harry's face relaxed after a few moments and his breathing went back to normal. He let out a sigh. "I'm afraid he might have to keep taking this for the next few days." the nurse said. "We can send one to the house that is easy to use." Louis nodded and the nurse left. "Guess you’ll be on this for a while huh, Hazz?" Lou asked looking over at Harry. Harry kept his eyes closed but nodded. A single tear leaked from his closed eyes.

Louis took out a napkin and wiped Harry's tear away & gave him a light kiss. "We'll be home soon, Hazz, right when the doctor gives the ok to go. So hang in there." Harry scooted over towards Louis more and buried his face in his chest sniffling a bit. Louis put his face down on Harry's curls & hugged him close. "Don't cry, don't cry." he said into Harry's hair. Harry was shaking slightly but other than that he didn't move. He hugged Louis tighter.

Then the doctor came in but the two boys didn't part. "Um...Harry may leave now. I'll set down this list of how to care for him for the next week. No solid foods. He must be lying down for the next week & do no physical activity, even cooking. Only small dosages of pain meds can be given. Good day boys." The doctor left the boys alone.

Harry pulled back and looked at Louis. "Are you gonna take care of me Boo?" he asked. His voice was rough again. "Of course I will! I'll do whatever to make you better." Lou smiled. "Ready to go? We'll use a wheelchair."

Harry smiled and nodded. Louis helped him into to the wheelchair and they were ready to go. The nurse had also given them the "to-go-pain meds" & then they set off and out the hospital where Paul was waiting for them. Harry lay down in the back & they made it home in no time. Soon Harry was in his bed with the medicine hooked up and he was comfortable and half asleep already. 'I'll stay awake in bed with him in case he gets hungry or needs something...' Louis decided as he lay down next to Hazz while reading the list the doctor gave them. Harry fell asleep and a few minutes later he was moaning "Louis... Hellllp... Lou!"

"Huh? What? Harry what’s wrong?!" he immediately turned over to his friend and touched his arm. Harry woke immediately at the older boy's touch. He tried to open his eye but the light still hurt. "What?" he asked tiredly.

Louis let out a breath of relief. "You were only dreaming...good. You were calling out my name & crying for help." He gave Harry a hug. "You scared me. I thought something was seriously wrong."

"Oh." Harry said returning the hug "Sorry Boo!"

"It's fine as long as I know you're ok now..." he pulled back & looked into Harry's eyes. "You hungry?"

Harry shook his head. "How are the others doing?" he asked. "Do you know?"

"Actually I really don't know...I was more worried about you at the moment. You want me to leave & check?"

Harry frowned at the word 'leave' but nodded. He pulled his phone out "I'll tell the fans that I'm alright."

"Ok!" Louis trotted off, went down the hall & knocked on Liam's door. "It's Louis!" he said. Liam opened the door and immediately hugged the older boy. "You alright?" He asked looking into his eyes.

"Ummm yeah...I'm trying to stay strong for Hazz although I feel broken inside, but that's alright. He wanted to know how you lads are doing."

"Umm, Yeah we're just worried about Harry. Nialler is a bit shaken up, but that’s normal. It was a bit traumatic."

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