Part 7 Mrs.Tomlinson has come to see Boo Bear!

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Part 7

Mrs. Tomlinson has come to see Boo Bear!

Harry looked back at Louis. "Of course boo! If I didn’t forgive you, I wouldn’t be here. Only one person could come you know!"

Louis smiled a little, & tried to relax, "I'll have to break up with Zayn. ’Cause I know it probably hurts you inside."

Harry nodded, "I feel kinda bad for Zayn... I mean I know what it felt like to think I had to share you! But he has to lose you…"

Louis sighed, "I don’t know what to do, Harry!"

"I'm sure it will be fine." Harry smiled reassuringly, "Don’t think about it right now. You are stressing yourself out…"

"Ok, whatever you say, Hazza." He gave a weak smile back, "So what do they have planned for me?"

"The doctor should be back in 45 minutes or so to get a CatScan of your head to make sure you didn’t get brain damage…" He replied.

"A CatScan?" Louis just stared off into space, "I hope I didn't damage anything...what if I did, Hazz?"

"Louis, please don’t say that! No matter what happens, I’ll be here through it all. I promise." he said grabbing Louis' hand. Louis' eyes widened a little from surprise & he said, "I love you, Hazza, but my head still really hurts…”

"Well, you did hit it pretty hard… "Harry looked into Louis eyes for a few seconds then opened his mouth to talk, but before he could say anything Louis Mom rushed in. Mrs. Tomlinson rushed over to the other side of her child's bed & hugged him. "Mum..." Louis whispered as he put one arm over her to return the hug.

"I was so worried! When Harry called I had to rush here as soon as I could! My poor boo bear!"

Harry snorted. "I'm going into the hall to get some water. I’ll be right back." he said getting up as he muttered, "Boo bear. I keep forgetting that’s what his mum calls him…”

"Mum!" Louis loudly said, "Don’t call me boo bear in front of Harry! It's embarrassing!"

 Harry chuckled as he walked into the hallway. "Sorry sweetie! I was just so worried! Now tell me exactly what happened." His mother said.

"Um well, there was a little drama within the band & I felt stuck in the middle. Guess I got too stressed & fainted. Nothing big, mum."

 His mom gasped, "Is this band too stressful? Do I need to pull you out!? I can’t have you in the hospital all the time!!"

Louis shook his head, "It was just a little issue but everything else is fine. Not something to pull me out for."

"It was enough to make you pass out!" She raised her eyebrows, "What was it anyways?"

Louis didn’t know whether to say the actual thing or not, "Em, just a squabble about...about..." He wished Harry was there for support. He could use the "I forgot." card but it may not work.

"C’mon,  Louis! You can tell me! I’m your mum!"

Harry poked his head in the door. "Hey guys? Where is the drinking fountain?"

Louis ignored his mum and looked at Harry, "Erm, Harry I don't know. Maybe ask a nurse?"

Harry nodded "Good idea!" Harry turned away and looked around for a nurse. Louis mom turned back to Lou and raised her eyebrows. She gave him a concerned look when her phone rang "Hello?… No, I can’t drive you to your friend's house! Your brother is in the hospital!"

"Mum don’t sound hysterical. Who was it?" Louis asked.

"Sorry, it’s just Pheobe." She said shaking her head.

"Well, mum, you can go if you have things to do. I’m fine, ok? Thanks for coming, really."

"But Louis! You’re gonna have a CatScan! You’ve never had one of those! Aren’t you scared!?" his mum asked.

Louis smiled, "Mum, yes, I’m scared but Harry will be here. Don’t you trust him?"

She sighed, "I guess. But you call me the minute you are done! Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am, I will." He gave his mom a kiss on the forehead, "Love you, I'll be fine."

She nodded and smiled. "Love you too. Good luck." she said, before picking up her phone to dial Phoebe back.

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