Part 29 Harry is "UnManly"

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Part 29

Harry is “UnManly”

Louis yawned and stretched. "I don't feel like getting up...but I'll try..." he said, slowly getting up.

Harry shook his head. "You can stay.."

"Nope. You wanna go upstairs, so upstairs we go." Louis smiled tiredly as he finally got up, holding his hand out for Haz.

"Aw Lou. If you’re too tired you can stay."Harry yawned "I just wanna go upstairs because it's warmer…"

"I don't mind going upstairs, c'mon. If it's warmer for you, then let's go!" the older boy shook his hand a little.

Harry grabbed Lou's hand. "Alright..." he said grabbing his blanket "Let’s go!"

The two walked upstairs and made it to the bedroom where they both plopped on the bed, Harry covered & Louis not. "Are you sure you aren't cold, Lou?" Harry asked, slightly concerned.

"Well I could use some warming up..." Louis said.

Harry giggled and pulled the covers back "Care to join me?"

"Don't mind if I do." Louis smiled as he snuggled with the younger boy as he held the covers back & then put it over Louis when he was close enough.

"Good now we're both warm!" Harry giggled, his lips against Louis ear.

"Gah, Haz that tickles!" Louis started to laugh a little.

"Let's just say it’s payback for tickling my neck." Harry smirked not moving.

"Well so much for your payback, cause I'm enjoying it." Louis smirked too.

Harry giggled and pulled back. "I guess I won't do it anymore!" he smirked.

Louis pouted. "Awww that makes me sad..."

"Payback!" Harry winked.

"Since you're seeking revenge, does that mean you didn't enjoy what I did?" Louis asked, still pouting a little.

"Good point... It's revenge for making me cry."

"I'm sorry Haz." Louis said, hugging his friend and burying his face in his shoulder.

"It's alright Lou. Even though you made me less manly." Harry said the last word in an extra deep voice.

Louis blushed. "Aww c-cmon Haz. It didn't make you less manly." he managed to say, with a little stutter.

Harry giggled "Yep. Crying isn't manly..."

"It makes you unmanly when you're in public, but not in front of me." Louis frowned.

"Why are you frowning boo?"

"Because I'm mad at myself for making you feel this's my fault."

Harry shook his head "Don't feel bad Lou. It's alright... I was tired anyways."

"Nope. I won't forgive myself."

"Pleeeeeease?" Harry whined

"Why should I? I made you cry."

"No the movie made me cry, you just helped it along."

"That's even worse. I helped!"

"Louis, please?"

Louis sighed. "Well...ok...if only you won't stop tickling my ear though."

Harry moved his mouth down to Louis ear again "Fair enough." he whispered.

Louis smiled as Harry tickled his ear with his mouth again. The older boy decided to mess Harry's hair a little in the back.

Harry pulled back. "Woah! Are you messing up the curls?" he joked

"Maybe!" Louis smirked.

Harry giggled "Maybe??"

"Yes! I might not be messing up your hair, but I may also be messing up your know what it means!"

Harry put his mouth up to Louis' ear again and whispered "I think I do know what it means."

Louis blushed and laughed a little since it tickled. "Well ok what is it then?" the older boy asked cheekily.

Harry chuckled "I think you are messing with my curls!"

"Now that you say it, I was."

"I knew it!" Harry giggled.

"Cause you're smart Haz!" Louis said, as he quickly nipped Harry's neck, then pulled back, smiling cheekily.

Harry laughed a bit, causing him to release warm air into Lou's ear.

"Gah Haz!" Louis was blushing a lot now.

"Did that tickle?" Harry asked pulling back.

"Yes, but in a weird way! It was warm..."

"Would you rather it be cold?"

"No! I like it felt nice."

Harry chuckled and breathed warm air into Louis' ear again. "Oh stop it haha" Louis said blushing. "Actually don't." he gave Harry a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you want me to stop or to continue?" Harry asked, pulling back.

"No I want you to continue! Great...that must seem weird."

"Not at all." Harry breathed in the older boys ear.

"Haha you really are a sex god." Louis said blushing.

"That’s what I've even trying to tell you!!"

"I know I know! I knew it either way. It's just you’re really showing it off right now."

Harry gasped dramatically "I'm not like a sex god all the time!?"

Louis nudged him. "I mean you’re really showing it off right now. You know what I mean!"

"So I am a sex god all the time?"

"Yes." Louis said simply.

"Good." Harry giggled, turning away from Louis to check the time.

"Hm what is it Harry?"

"Just checking the time." He said turning back to lay on his back. "It's 2am..."

"Really? Wow time flies by." Louis said, trying not to yawn.

"Go to sleep Lou." Harry said quietly. "I can tell you're tired."

The older boy nodded and cuddled into Harry more. " go to sleep too ok?"

"Okay..." Harry said turning towards Louis a bit. "Good night boo."

"Night night Curly." and the two fell asleep.

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