May 12th, 2014

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"Dude, get up." Michael said, dropping a plastic bag of something on Calum's stomach.

"What is that?" Calum groaned, grabbing a pillow and covering his face with it.

Calum was still miserable and still too upset to want to talk to anyone, but Luke had called Michael over to watch Calum for the day because he had 'plans' that he just couldn't cancel and was too scared to leave Calum alone.

"Food." Michael shrugged. He moved to the edge of Calum's bed and shoved his legs over a little, so he had a comfortable place to sit.

"What kind of food?" Calum asked.

"There's, like, some slices of pizza and a couple sandwiches that Rachel made." Michael explained, looking through the bag.

"I don't want sandwiches." Calum said, and Michael could tell that he was about to cry again. "Sam used to eat sandwiches."

"Well Sam used to do a lot of things, that doesn't mean you can't do them anymore." Michael rolled his eyes (thankfully Calum couldn't see him) and rubbed Calum's shoulder to let him know it was okay.

"What kind of sandwiches are they?" Calum sniffed after about a minute of him crying to himself. He moved the pillow from his face, so Michael was able to see him.

"Uh," Michael paused to check. "Ham and cheese."

Calum groaned loudly again and threw the pillow back over his face. "Sam liked ham and cheese!"

"Oh, come on Calum, why don't we go do something?" Michael asked, trying to urge Calum to get out of bed for once. "Why don't we go on a walk or something?"

"I don't want to go on a walk."

"We can go to the store." Michael suggested, though he really didn't want to go to the store at all. Rachel always made him go shopping with her and he hated it. "We"

"I don't want to shop."

"Hey, why don't we go back to my house?" Michael offered, "Rachel's there, she hasn't seen you in a while, I think she misses you."

"I don't want to see Rachel."

"Do you want to go visit Ashton?" Michael asked. "He's been in a really bad mood lately, we can cheer him up."

"No, Michael." Calum snapped, sitting up. He threw the pillow onto the ground and rubbed his eyes, which were already red and puffy and filling with tears again. "Ashton doesn't even like me."

"Of course he does." Michael shrugged, although he really didn't think that Ashton liked anyone anymore. It was kind of a complicated story.

"No, he hates me. I bet Luke hates me. Sam hates me." Calum grumbled, falling back onto the bed again. "You probably hate me."

"I don't hate you, buddy." Michael smiled, but it was no use. Calum was already crying.

"Why did she leave?" Calum sobbed.

"I don't know."

"Was I not good enough?" Calum asked through the tears, his words muffled by his hands.

"I don't know."

"God, she's the worst thing that's ever happened to me." Calum cried, sitting up again. He scooted closer to Michael, only to flop over and let his head rest in his lap. Michael was a little startled at first, but eventually he just relaxed and put his hand on Calum's head, like that was somehow going to comfort him.

"Yeah, girls suck." Michael chuckled.

"I know!" Calum whined.

"We can stay in today, Calum, it's alright." Michael said, deciding that it would be best for Calum to just stay in for the day.

"I want to stay in every day." Calum said softly.

"Well you can't do that." Michael laughed. He was trying to be nice to Calum, because he understood that his friend was going through a hard time, but Michael knew that this was going to get old soon. It was only a matter of time before everyone got tired of Calum being such a baby about this and gave up on him.

"Do you think things will get better?" Calum asked softly.

"Yeah." Michael nodded.

"Do you think Sam will ever come back?" Calum asked. Michael let out a sigh, because he knew that Calum would ask this at some point during the day. Luke was telling him over the phone the night before that all Calum ever really talked about was how badly he wanted Sam to come back.

"I really don't know, buddy." Michael said, awkwardly patting Calum on the head. "I didn't even really know Sam that well, I'm not sure what she was thinking when she left."

"Well she wasn't thinking about me, I can tell you that." Calum scoffed.

"You don't know that." Michael shrugged.

No one knew why exactly Sam had left, so no one knew if it really had anything to do with Calum or not. Michael didn't think it did. He was never very close with Sam but he did know one thing; that she loved Calum more than anything.

"Sam hates me." Calum said, sitting up again and rubbing his eyes. "That's why she left."

"She doesn't hate you." Michael sighed.

"Then why else would she leave?" Calum groaned. He crawled off the bed, grabbing a shirt from the floor and putting it on himself.

"Where are you going?" Michael asked, also standing up from the bed. He was supposed to watch Calum, he didn't want him to run off and do something stupid. Luke would kill Michael if he let anything happen to Calum.

"I'm getting a drink." Calum snapped, slamming the door shut as he left the room.


michael is finally in this hey

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