37: His Secret

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HI GUYS!!! ITS ME BACK WITH MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the original plan was to upload this in one huge chapter but its massive so while I work on the rest I thought I would sort of split it into two.  However a lot of questions are answered in this chapter :D

I can't really apologise enough with the wait between chapters but thank you all for being so amazing and patient. Hope you like xx


This chapter is dedicated to Lotje93 for reminding me that it had been over a year since I last updated!! Thanks for the push xx


My body was humming. The ever so tender shivers that rippled through my body were getting harder to ignore. Gripping the arm rest tightly with my left hand, my right held onto a white china cup as if my life depended on it.

The steaming hot cup of tea helped ease the hot tremors that were getting harder to ignore. The sweet sugary tea, mixed with a splash of milk burned the tender skin of my throat with every sip but each mouthful washed away the taste of need and desire.

Breathing through my mouth helped ease the scent of the pure male that drifted from the alpha male that had begun to slowly rip my world to pieces. Keeping my head bowed, my eyes drifted over to him and watched as he casually sipped his hot cup of tea. His hazy blue eyes were fixed to the floor and his unending stare sent shivers straight to my centre. I could see plans and ideas being built in his gaze that would make him three steps ahead of everyone else. He was an alpha through and through.

I turned my eyes away from him and hid them away under the skin of my eye lids. I forced the outside world and everything and everyone in it into a little box and closed the lid; locking everything away and leaving me alone. The sudden peace was breath-taking and it gave me the chance to find my wolf. I had felt the effects of the collar since I had woken up but the knowledge of having my wolf side blocked from me was still hard to grasp. There was a deep aching hole where the other part of me had been ripped away. The ability to shift was something I had been born with and my wolf made me… well me. I felt half empty without it, like a wound that wouldn't properly heal.

The emptiness was painful and lonely.

“I can give you it back you know.” And just like that, the lid to my little box flew open and the world with its harsh reality came crashing back.

My eyes flew open and I turned my head to look at Ardan whose lips were titled in a slight smile. “Give me back what?”

He placed down his cup of tea and rested his warm hand on my cheek. I so badly wanted to push away his touch, but fresh memories of the pain he had previously inflicted stopped me from moving. “Your ability to shift. I know the effects of the collar will be making it painful and lonely without that side of you.” His index finger ran down my cheek and gently stroked the thin skin of my top lip. “Blocking that side of a born Lycan is cruel and can drive anyone to insanity.”

I gulped and gently pulled back from his touch, my eyes not hiding the fact that I felt nothing but hatred towards him. “They why create such a device and inflict it on me?”

Ardan lightly laughed but the sound was deep and cruel, his eyes flashing with cruelty. “Because I can.”

“You’re a sick son of a bitch.”

His moist tongue darted out from his mouth, dampening his plump bottom lip. “Usually I would punish anyone who would speak to me that way but I find your anger quite irresistible.” Ardans' words were dark and hot, his warm breath fanning across my face. I breathed in his scent of fresh soap and sweet sugary tea; the mix was unique and annoyingly tantalising and it went straight to my core.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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