My mission

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It has been five years since the encounter, and I am still on my mission. I have done many things and tried various different methods to become more positive and to spread positivism but it is not easy. 

I sometimes feel lost and misunderstood by my peers, and I have almost given up a few times, but I keep going. It is not easy to stay happy and positive when it seems as if some people around you have the opposite mission, to spread gloom and unhappiness. 

I understand their point of view since they have never seen any proof to the contrary, but I still feel pain in my heart when I see them blindly following rules and doing what they are told which usually makes them miserable.

Once, I tried to point out that we weren't born to be unhappy and do what we don't like and people looked at me as if I were the craziest person they have ever seen. 

"How else am I supposed to earn a living", they asked. 

I tried to explain that they could do something they love and earn money, but they just didn't listen. 

Early on, I learned that the direct approach is the wrong one because I would only make them angry at me, for even suggesting such a crazy notion. Didn't the society teach us that we should do what we are told, follow the rules and everything would be okay? So I tried a different approach.

I stopped telling people they should be positive. I stopped discussing negative topics and started focusing on the good sides of things. If someone told me that he had a bad day at work, I would try to change the topic and make them talk about the walk in the park they took recently, or the concert they visited and that made for a much nicer conversation. They were able to smile and relax even though only a moment ago they were angry and tense. 

I started focusing on good things in my life, and when you think about it there are so many good things we can focus on. The more we focus on it, the easier it gets to see more and more good things. 

So I tried things that I thought I would never try. I tried doing yoga, meditation, Tai Chi and many other things I didn't even know existed before. Also, I started reading self-help books, and while some of them were pure nonsense, others made me see the world from a different perspective. 

They made me realize how lucky we were, for all the small things, how lucky we were to be alive. It seemed as if there were still some leftovers of magic left in our world. How else could we explain that even our planet was so perfectly suited for us? Not too far away from the Sun, but not to close to it. 

There is enough oxygen for us to breathe and so on. But people, as always, found a rational explanation. They said it was science, but let's be honest. What is science but another name for magic?

Talking about magic, I really miss Solactia. Flyjoy and I are still in contact, and our bond is stronger than ever, but I miss being there, enjoying that pureness. Although I know I have spent only a few moments there, those were the best moments of my life. 

Sometimes, I do visit, in a way, but it is only in spirit and it is not the same. What I mean, is that in our dreams we can actually travel to other worlds. Flyjoy taught me that and it is awesome. I often visit Solactia in my dreams, but it feels like trying to see through fog or walk through syrup. 

Still, it's better than nothing. I thought that by now, we would be joined with our magical brothers and sisters, but it seems as if my mission keeps getting prolonged. The problem is, that no matter how much positivism I spread there is always the darkness that just won't give up the ownership of this world.

To be able to join with the magicals and to lead happy lives, we have to first figure out the darkness and beat it, but we are still not sure how exactly to do that. It seems as if love and hope alone, are not enough. I am not sure what the darkness is, but I think I have a clear idea where it is. It all around us and it is ever-present. 

The darkness that I speak of, is in technology. 

The darkness is technology.

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