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The meeting is at midnight which I find telling since it is the night of the full moon, the most magical night in Solacita. 

"These have to be good news!" I think as we slowly walk through the meadow to the place where I first met my friend Peace and my other half Flyjoy. 

It feels as if that happened to someone else, to a completely different person. The truth is, I am different from the girl who first stepped through the portal. 

I have been through so much, learned so many amazing things and had so many obstacles to overcome. 

When I first started my mission of spreading positive energy and thoughts I was enthusiastic, but also naive. I thought that once the two worlds reunited everything would be instantly perfect but even magic can't do that. 

After a few years I realized that harmony is achieved only through hard work and I think that finally, the hard work will pay off. 

The meeting to which Peace summoned us, in the most magical place in Solactia, must be the answer to our unspoken wishes.

As we approach the golden tree I can see that Peace is already there, he is so mesmerizing. Although it is dark outside, and we have only the gentle light of the moon he seems to glow with his own golden aura that I saw once before but thought I might have exaggerated it. 

Now I know that I was right, that he had changed. 

That night when I first met my friends was the first time I noticed but ignored the change. Now, it is even more obvious and it is a good sign. 

It feels as if it is the right time to solve the riddle of Artim's prediction. We all settle down under the golden tree because we have a feeling that something big is about to happen. 

Dan and Gary could feel the same thing and that makes them even more energetic and excited. 

Sam and Luminous are more serious than they have been in a while, and I and Flyjoy are jittery from suspense. 

Pete however, seems perfectly calm as he nestles down in the phoenix's soft feathers.

"I am glad to see all of you again." Peace says.

"We haven't seen each other as much as I would have liked, but I had a few very busy years. Honestly, I expected that the harmony would be easier to achieve once we reconnected but it keeps eluding us. 

As I said that is the way with magic, everything has its time and its place. Finally, the time has come for the rest of the prophecy to come true. 

As you all remember the full prophecy went like this: 

'The separation would end when the child of gold enters the gate of passage and shows the true belief in magic. Two shall become as one, but the bridge between the worlds shall have to be built by the true believers. Two believers that make one shall bring the Deliverer to us to reunite us and free us from the pain. The new life of joy and peace shall begin when the full circle of life after life shall be done.' 

So May fulfilled the first part of the prophecy and the second part was fulfilled by the reconnection of the humans and their magicals (except for the few angry ones who are now on the road of recovery). 

I was never sure about the third part or if these things had to happen in a fixed order, but now I know. The last part, I always thought meant that Artim would return one day and help us achieve peace and joy." Peace continues.

"Wait a minute, " I interrupt "Isn't he dead? Completely and utterly dead?" 

I can't help but show how annoyed I am.

 "Yes, he is," he answers "but there is a legend..." 

"Of course, there is." I say impatiently. "Why don't you first tell us about the legend so that we, regular people, could understand it as well?"

"Alright, my child, calm down. 

Tonight I shall tell you everything. Among the magicals this legend is well-known and it is a legend that is passed on from one generation to another. 

A long time ago, when Artim was alive, he was one of the strongest, but also the kindest magicians alive. Solactia experienced peace and joy, unrivaled with anything we had experienced after his death. 

He was the one who kept us going after the separation, who brought joy back into our lives. But as you all well know, everything that lives must eventually die. 

Before his death, he gave us hope in the form of a prophecy. He promised us that once more we would have truly magical lives with our human brethren. 

It was very cryptic since the last words he said before he died were 'Till we meet again!' 

That is how the legend first started, a fairy that was taking care of him in his final hours said that he told her a secret, he told her that one day he would return and bring about more happiness and joy than they could ever imagine. 

At first, it was just a story but many people confirmed the fairy's story. Whether they truly knew something or were just willing to spread hope is unsure, but as time went by it become one of our most treasured legends. 

One day when we need him the most, Artim shall return in all his magical glory and help us out. 

I am happy to tell you that the legend is true. 

Artim has returned! 

As a matter of fact, he is among us right now!"  Peace says.

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