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The truth is I am scared. Every human is scared of change, and I am no exception. 

I think that my fear has nothing to do with being mind-controlled by an evil power. It's much simpler and primal than that. It's the human fear of the unknown. 

I have lived in this technology-driven society for such a long time that I can't even comprehend an idea of a different kind of society.

I have always believed in magic but even I am unable to imagine the magical kingdom that we are trying to bring about. It's difficult to imagine how it will be for those rational humans who have never believed in anything beyond what they could touch or see. 

I vaguely remember the feeling I had in Solactia, but I think that when our two worlds finally reconnect it will be much better than that. Fully healed, we shall both be the best versions of ourselves. 

But what if something goes wrong? It is easy for me to deal with problems in my world, but I don't know how to deal with the potential set of problems that might await for us there. 

I guess I am getting ahead of myself, l should first wait and see what happens with the technology and deal with other problems as they come.

I am watching the dawn of a new day, and wondering how different the world would be tomorrow. Flyjoy says that the portal will be open soon, above the Atlantic ocean, and it will reflect off the ocean, then straight towards the sun. 

He can sense my worry, so he is trying to send me all of his enthusiasm for the endeavor. As I soak in the emotions emanating from him, I can sense no worry, only certainty, and excitement.

"It's never been done before, so it's one huge adventure!" he exclaims happily. 

He doesn't seem to be able to fully understand the seriousness of the situation. Upon sensing my disapproval of his less than serious approach to the problem, he tries to make his statements graver.

"We shall save the humans, and all of us shall reunite!" Flyjoy exclaims.

I appreciate his attempt to be serious but I can sense that he thinks I am being silly for worrying. He is confident that all shall be well. I think it's easier for him not to worry because he grew up in the beauty and harmony of Solactia. He can't understand how important it is for humans to find the light.

It's time. The portal is being open right now and I feel so useless. I am sitting on my balcony and waiting to see what will happen. 

The change is coming. I can feel it. 

I am not sure if it will be the change I expect. Peace and Flyjoy told me that it will work. Still, I am not sure what to expect. 

I can feel fresh air on my pale skin, and I am not sure if I am getting the chills from the cold or from fear. Think positive thoughts! Everything will be okay. Magical beings told you so, it must be true.

Wait! Is that...?

Oh! Wow, it worked! I can see the Aurora Borealis. It is so much bigger and more magical than I expected. Although it's daytime, I can still clearly see all its beautiful colors. It is the most magnificent palette of colors, and it takes my breath away. 

How can something be so beautiful and terrifying at the same time? I am not sure what terrifies me more. If it works, it will change my life forever. If it doesn't work, I will have to continue fighting every day to achieve any semblance of happiness.

My cell phone is in my hand, but I am afraid to look. I am terrified of getting in contact with Flyjoy and finding out if it worked or not. So I am just sitting here enjoying the view, at the same time dreading the future, whatever it might be. It worked, it had to work!

The only way to know for sure is to check. I raise my trembling hand to check my cell phone, and the only thing I see is my big brown eyes. They seem even bigger from fear, but that's the only thing I can see, the reflection of my eyes, no other sign of life. The phone is dead. It's lying useless, in my hand. It reminds me of a rock. I can see no other use for it now.

But what does this mean? Is it just my phone, or is the all technology down? 

Finally, I gather the strength to reach out to Flyjoy to check, and he confirms to me the downfall of technology. Now what? I expected that there would immediately be magic and joy, but all I can sense and hear around me, in my world, is panic and fear.

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