The Time has come

24 11 19

The day started like any regular day, we are helping a human family and their magicals settle in Solactia since they have decided to continue their lives there. 

I am more eager to help out than usual since I cherish every moment that I get to spend in Solactia. It always gives me much-needed energy and refreshment. 

The magical land itself is what keeps me going even when I am not sure what my purpose is. 

Somewhere along the way, I have lost the sense of purpose that drove me before the reunion of the worlds. Life has become much better and I enjoy it very much since I am finally complete and so are my friends and family members. 

Still, I have this nagging feeling that something is missing. That something important is about to happen, something that will make the world into one I have dreamed of long ago when this all first started. 

The annoying thing about it is that I have this strange sensation that my subconscious mind has already figured it out but I seem to be unable to catch up. 

"You worry too much," Flyjoy tells me.

 "You will figure it out when the time is right," 

I am so shocked, not by his answer, but by the fact that every day he sounds a bit more like me, it is in a way both cool and creepy.

The good news for me is that I finally started developing my magical powers. I am finally able to tap into Flyjoy's magical elf powers which are always off the charts in their possibilities. 

Others seem to have developed their powers more quickly and effortlessly, so I felt slightly discouraged, but Flyjoy patiently explained that it was a bit more difficult for me. 

It was not only that I couldn't tap into the shared power, but it was the fact that it was more difficult for him to share since elves weren't quite used to sharing their powers with anyone. 

For other magical powers, it is only the humans who have to adjust but in our case, we both have to work on our trust issues. 

So after a long and hard work, we finally did it and I can use magic fairly well, but not for any big things. 

That is another reason I enjoy Solactia so much, my powers seem to increase in magnitude while I am here, since it is a place of undiluted magic. 

What also gives a great pleasure is exploring Solactia with my friends, and especially eager to explore is Pete who is now walking, well, running around and exploring all the beauties of the magical land.

I am so happy for him, I couldn't even imagine having such a magical childhood. He seems more at ease than he was when we were back on Earth. 

I have never seen him so happy and inquisitive while we were there, but once we entered this land of dreams, he immediately went on exploring and it was difficult to catch up. 

Not even Sam worried about it since we had learned long ago that the fairies would do whatever it takes to protect the little guy, and he did seem to enjoy their company. 

Honestly, he is enjoying their company much more than the company of humans. 

As for Dan and Gary well, they rarely do any work when in Solacita since Gary always has some new wonders that he wants to show to his other half. 

They are especially fascinated by the music of Solactia. They often go off to hear the mermaids sing, or they lurk about the fairy fields just for a chance to overhear some of their magical songs. 

Sam, still our leader, doesn't mind this since there is usually less work to be done in Solactia, but sometimes I do wonder when it will be her turn to take a day off and enjoy the enchanting beauty of the marvelous land.

The day went on in the regular fashion but now as the evening is settling in, we are told that Peace wants us all to meet him under the golden tree where I first saw him for another, much smaller meeting. 

"Finally, I thought to myself, the time has come!"  

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