Chapter 2: Dobby

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"I don't know."

The two of them looked wide eyes at the thing that was standing on Harry's bed. It had grayish skin, bat like ears and bulging green eyes. Briana had never seen anything like it.

The thing looked up and stared at the two Potters.

Dudley was heard saying, "May I take your coats, Mr and Mrs Mason?" from downstairs.

The thing jumped off the bed and quickly bowed, its long nose touching the ground.

Briana looked over at Harry with wide eyes.

Harry stepped forward a little, "What..... I mean, who are you?"

The thing flew its head up, "Harry and Briana Potter! It's such a pleasure to meet you! Such an honor...."

"Thank you," Briana smiled. It was kind of cute.

"Who are you?" Harry repeated his original question.

"Dobby, sir. Dobby the house elf," He introduced, bowing his head.

Briana noticed that Dobby was wearing a pillow case as clothes. What was a house elf. Briana had never heard of them or read in any books about them.

Briana was about to ask, but Harry spoke before she could get anything out.

"Dobby, no offense, but what are you doing here?"

"Dobby is here to warn Briana and Harry Potter........ Dobby doesn't know where to begin.... its very difficult."

"Why don't you sit down?" Harry suggested, motioning towards his bed for Dobby.

"Sit down?" Dobby burst into tears.

Harry jumped in surprise and looked at Briana, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Briana turned back to Dobby, "Dobby! Shhh, whats wrong?"

"Dobby has never been talked to like that by a wizard.......... like an equal," Tears continued rolling down his cheeks.

"Then you must not have met many decent wizards," Harry commented.

Dobby shook his head, then widened his eyes. He ran over to the counter and started banning his head against it, yelling, "Bad Dobby!"

"Stop!" Briana exclaimed in a whisper, "They'll hear you."

"Dobby should not be talking about his master, ma'am," Dobby explained.

"Master?" Harry questioned.

"Dobby is sentenced to serve one family until he dies, sir. Dobby can only be free if his master presents him with clothes," Dobby explained.

They all stayed silent. Briana was trying to comprehend it all. Now thinking about it, that must have been what she saw in the bush early that day. Dobby's eyes matched the things bright green ones.

"Dobby has heard of both your greatnesses," Dobby said as his tears started disappearing off his face, which meant that maybe the crying and yelling could stop for a few seconds.

Harry seemed mad about him saying it, "Well their all wrong. We've done nothing great we can remember."

Briana sometimes got mad to. It was cool sometimes for everyone to point you out, but it got annoying when people yelled at you everywhere you went. Harry was right. They couldn't even remember what had happened when they were one.

"Mr. Potter does not speak of him and his sister's defeat of he who must not be named," Dobby said.

"Voldemort?" Briana clarified.

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