Chapter 16: Cornelius Fudge

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Briana and Ashley had been the last to come back to the Slytherin Common Room where everyone was gathered. Hermione's attack was nerve racking enough, but it seemed like none of the Slytherin's looked to worried. No Slytherin's had been attacked, because no Slytherins were Muggles. Briana was sure she was one of the only Halfbloods at least proud enough to say she was.

Snape was standing in the middle of the room, no emotion coming from his cold eyes. He was surveying the room with glances as he held a parchment in his hands.

"Considering the two new attacks, Dumbledore had ordered new rules to be taken into account," Snape said softly, averting his gaze to the scroll he was holding, "All students will return to their Common Rooms by six o'clock. Students will be accompanied by a teacher to all lessons, as well as to the bathroom. Qudditch practices and games will be postponed. All evening activities will be canceled."

"No Qudditch!" it was Flint, "Why! We have nothing to worry about! None of us our muggles!"

Snape nodded in his direction, "I am aware, Mr. Flint, but we must take part in what the rest of the school is doing. The monster may want to turn its attention to something else."

Flint looked like he was about to speak, but he held his tongue.

"I will say this," Snape said, "If the one behind it is not caught, then the school will probably be closed,"

Silence at his words.

"So if any of you know anything about these attacks," Snape said, "I suggest you to come forward now."

So even Snape suspected that it was someone from Slytherin. Briana looked around to try to find anyone looking suspicious, but everyone just continued to look at Snape with the same look. Even Malfoy stayed quiet.

Nobody came forward, so Snape dipped his head, "Very well. If you do find anything, speak to me immediately," with that Snape glided from the room.

As soon as the wall slid back into place behind Snape, voices broke out. Malfoy's was the loudest.

"I don't understand why this is a bad thing!" Malfoy exclaimed over all the voices.

"What are you on about, Malfoy!" spat Ashley.

Now everyone was listening to him, "Why should we have to worry! We're all mostly Pure Bloods! Won't it be a good thing to get rid of all the Mudbloods."

"Don't say that name!" Briana yelled, glaring at him.

"Scared for your friend, Potter!" Malfoy sneered, "I wish she would have been the first killed."

The reactions were very different for many people. A few other Slytherins like Flint were patting Malfoy on the back and cheering. Hudson seemed undecided. The first years were all giving Malfoy wide eyes as if they couldn't believe what he had said. Peter's voice rang out saying, "Of course we don't want anyone dead!" Ashley was being held back by Briana and a third year girl as she tried to get to Malfoy. She was screaming, "Let me kill him!"

Malfoy seemed highly amused by this, "Stupid Mudblood. The monster probably couldn't kill her properly, because he was having trouble looking at her."

A few things happened. Briana gave up on holding Ashley back and both of them ran forward. Briana struck Malfoy right between the legs well Ashley slammed her first right across his face. Malfoy fell over on his knees as both Ashley and Briana started hitting Malfoy how ever way they could.

"Stop it! Hudson, help!" Peter had ran over and grabbed me from behind. He dragged me off Malfoy as Hudson tried to deal with Ashley.

Malfoy got up. His lip was bleeding from Ashley's first punch and he had bruises on his arm. His hair was everywhere.

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