Chapter 14: Ginny's Valentine

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Hermione ended up going to the Hospital Wing. Luckily, Madam Pomfrey didn't ask to many questions. Briana made sure to visit Hermione as much as possible.

Briana walked towards the Hospital Wing now, her bagslung over her shoulder. She walked over to where she knew she would find Hermione. Madam Pomfrey had to put curtains around Hermione's bed, because everyone thought she had been petrified considering she was muggle born. Many of the students kept trying to peek in to get a glimpse of her. It allowed her some privacy.

Briana peeked her head through the curtains. Hermione was up, reading a book. She looked up and smiled when she saw Briana.

"How ya feeling?" Briana asked, sitting at the edge of her bed.

Hermione seemed happier now that most of the fur was gone from her face. The ears and tail had completely disappeared and her eyes were slowly turning back to normal. It would only be a few days before she got to return to classes.

"Better," Hermione said, setting her book aside.

"I got your homework," Briana pulled out her Charms and Potions Homework and handed it to her, "Are you sure you don't just want a break from it all?"

Hermione shook her head as if the thought was unthinkable, "I have to keep up."

"Hermione, I think you would be fine," Briana pointed out, "You're the top of our class."

Hermione shrugged, "What about you."

"Close second," Briana said admittedly.

Hermione tried not to look to proud about this, "Anyways, did you guys find out anymore about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"Nothing," Briana said, "We're at a dead end, Hermione. Who else other then Malfoy could be?"

"It would have to be a Slytherin, wouldn't it?" Hermione asked, "I mean......... The Heir of Slytherin."

"Everyone still thinks me and Harry are behind it. Harry's a Gryffindor," Briana hadn't mentioned to anyone that the Sorting Hat had considered putting him in Slytherin. She guessed that Harry wouldn't want Ron or Hermione to know.

"Well, Harrys not behind though," Hermione pointed out, "Maybe we should try process of Elimination."

"So we can eliminate everyone from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. That still leaves a lot of people from Slytherin,"Briana said.

"We can eliminate you and Ashley obviously," Hermione added, "As well as Malfoy."

"Crabbe and Goyle are too stupid to have been able to do it," Briana pointed out.

"So that leaves.."

"About two hundred Slytherins to try Polyjuice Potion on," Briana summed up.

Hermione tapped her chin, "This is difficult."

"Tell me about."

When Briana wasn't in class, or visiting Hermione, she was trying to find stuff out about Tom Riddle. Dumbledore had a reason to tell her instead of Harry, she knew it. She kept quiet about it.

Briana had found out that he had been in Slytherin, which she supposed wasn't surprising. He had gone to Hogwarts about Fifty Years ago. He had also been Head Boy, which was obviously surprising. Lord Voldemort couldn't have been a Percy, she knew that. Briana also found a award he had gotten in the Trophy Room about services to the school Fifty Years ago. She tried hard to try to think of what was happening Fifty Years, but nothing came to her.

There wasn't any books on Tom Riddle. That seemed obvious considering he later changed his name to Lord Voldemort. Nobody seemed to know it was Tom Riddle who had become Voldemort.

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