Chapter 11: I Almost Die from Bludger..... Again

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Briana woke up the next morning and sat up. The other second year Slytherin girls, Ashley, Pansy Parkinson and Bulstrode, who was a larger girl with a heavy jaw. Briana tried her best to ignore her most of the time. The three were all getting dressed.

Briana got out of bed and set off putting Qudditcg her robes on. She put on her silver and green robes. Parksinson and Bulstrode left the room.

Ashley and Briana headed down to the Great Hall and sat down. Briana pulled out a copy of her book called Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts, and started reading through it.

Ashley looked over to read the page Briana was currently on, "Interesting Subject," she commented.

Briana shrugged, "Hermione told me Harry and I were in this book."

"Not happy your famous, are you?" Ashley snickered before taking a bite of her waffle.

Briana smiled, "I'm just taking a look. Wouldn't hurt knowing a little more about myself would it."

"What ya reading, Potter."

Briana tried to grab her book, but it was to late. Malfoy had snatched it from her hands.

Malfoy looked at the cover, "The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts?"

"Yeah, sure you would know plenty about that," Briana made a grab for it, but Malfoy yanked it from reach.

"Think you're in here, do you Potter?" Malfoy snarled.

"I know I am," Briana said.

"Jealous much?" Ashley added in, a smile on her face.

"Why would I be?" Malfoy threw the book back at Briana, who caught it.

"Oh please, you would just love being Briana or Harry Potter, wouldn't you Malfoy?"

Malfoy snorted, "Why would I?"

"Obvious reasons," Ashley chimed.

"Whatever, happy reading," Malfoy said sarcastically as he walked off.

Ashley snorted, "Did you see him? He was lost for words."

Briana watched Malfoy walk away. Was it possible that he was the Heir of Slytherin? Malfoy seemed like the number one suspect, but then again, nothing usually turned out the way it seemed.

"You ready for today, Briana?"

Peter had come to sit next to her. He was wearing his Qudditch robes and had abandoned the rest of the team to come talk to her. The rest of the team didn't seem at all fond of Briana, but that was alright. Briana loved Qudditch and that was all that mattered to her.

Today was the first Qudditch game of the season, Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Briana always hated playing Gryffindor, because Harry was on the Gryffindor Qudditch team. Not only was he her brother, but he was a darn good Seeker. The youngest Seeker ever. Briana had to have hope though.

"Peter," Briana muttered, "Are you sure about Malfoy? Harry's a great seeker and well..... Malfoy hasn't really stood out in practice."

Peter thought this over, "I see where you're coming from, but remember Malfoy's father did give us these new broomsticks. We'll have speed on our side and if the two of us and Hudson work hard enough, we can fifteen points ahead before anyone is able to get the snitch."

Briana was putting her hair in ponytail as he spoke, "We'll just have to see, Peter. Hopefully considering how much faster Malfoys broomstick is then Harry's he should have a fair shot at catching it."

"Yeah, but this is Malfoy we're talking about," Ashley had leaned forward to listen to the conversation, "Didn't he pretty much buy himself on to the team."

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