Chapter 20: Dobby the Free Elf

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For a second, Briana, Harry, Ron, Ashley, Ginny and Lockhart all just stood in the door. Briana could just imagine how they all looked covered in mud and slime. Harry having blood all over his arm with the Sorting Hat in one hand and a sword in another. Briana with dyed red hands and the diary clutched tightly to her side. Ginny with a pale face and tears falling silently down her face. Lockhart looking as confused as can be. Ron and Ashley both standing their with their hair all over the place.


Mrs Weasley had been sitting at the fire and stood to her feet. She ran over, tears falling down her face. Mr Weasley hugged both his wife and daughter. Ginny sobbed into her mothers arm.

McGonagall was also in the room. She was standing there with her eyes wide in shock and her mouth hanging open.

"H...How did you," McGonagall stuttered.

Fawkes came flying in the room and landed on a beaming Dumbledore, who standing behind his desk. Fawkes gave him a loving rub on the cheek.

Harry walked up to Dumbledore and put the Sorting Hat and the sword in front of him. Briana walked over and stood next to him, clutching the diary to her chest.

Harry and Briana explained everything. How they had slowly tried figuring out about the Chamber of Secrets, Hermione finding out about the basilisk, thinking that the Chamber of Secrets entrance was in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

McGonagall interrupted, "So you figured out all this..... breaking a hundred school rules along the way, but how did you get out alive?"

The two explained about going into the Chamber and all about Riddle and the basilisk. Briana regretfully told them about Ginny.

"No," Mrs Weasley whispered as Ginny whimpered.

"She didn't do it knowingly," Briana quickly said and handed the diary to Dumbledore, "Riddle was controlling Ginny with this."

Dumbledore opened the book and studied it, "I wonder how Voldemort did it."

Mrs Weasley gasped, "You Know Who?"

"Yes," Briana patted Mrs. Weasley's arm.

"Voldemort was controlling Ginny with this," Dumbledore said calmly.

Mr Weasley scowled, "Ginny, how many times have I told you not to mess with something if you can't tell if it has a brain?"

Ginny looked away sadly.

"It wasn't her fault, Mr. Weasley," Briana wanted to defend Ginny as much as possible.

"Perhaps you should bring Miss. Weasley to the Hospital Wing," Dumbledore suggested.

Mrs Weasley nodded, "Alright."

The three Weasleys exited.

Dumbledore turned his head towards Lockhart, "You are rather quiet, Gilderoy."

"Oh... Professor," Ron stuttered, "In incident kind of happened in the Chamber."

"A memory spell back fired," Briana backed Ron up.

Dumbledore nodded, "Looks like your specialty backfired, Professor."

Lockhart blinked, "I'm a professor?"

Ashley giggled.

"Minerva," Dumbledore said, "Will you please take Gilderoy to the Hospital Wing as well?"

McGonagall nodded, "Very well."

McGonagall led Lockhart away. She could have sworn she saw a smile on the women's face.

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