Chapter 19: Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Briana quickly fumbled for her wand and swung it at him. Tom used to Harry's wand to hit hers away with ease.

Harry looked over at the sound of the wand clattering to the floor. His eyes widened.

"Tom...... Tom Riddle."

Tom Riddle nodded calmly from where he was leaning against one of the pillars.

"What do you mean she's not going to get up?" Harry asked in confusion, "Shes not dead?"

"No, she's still alive," Riddle said, "But only just."

"Are you a ghost?" Harry asked.

"No. A memory," Tom Riddle answered, "Preserved in a diary for fifty years."

Briana looked over to where Tom Riddle was looking. The black diary was laying there. She knew it was dangerous.

"You've got to help us, Tom," Harry said, "We've got to get her out of here. The basilisk...... I don't know where it is...... but we should go."

Briana looked at Harry in shock. Why did he expect him to help them? Then again... he didn't know who Tom Riddle really was.

"Harry," she said in warning.

"It won't come till it's called," Riddle said before she could say anymore.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. "Where's my wand?"

Tom revealed Harry and Briana's wands in his hand.

"Can you...."

"You won't be needing them," Riddle assured, a smile coming to his face. He pocketed the wands.

"What do you..." Harry shook his head, "Look. We're in the Chamber of Secrets... we need to get out of here."

"I don't think so. I've been waiting a long time to speak to you two," said Riddle.

Briana broke her silence, "Why won't you just stay dead?"

Riddle laughed at her, "Lets just say it might have something to do with that diary."

Briana would have laughed at Harry's confused experrison if they weren't in their current position.

Harry blinked his eyes, "How did Ginny get like this?"

"Lets just say its because she spilled her whole soul out to some stranger," Riddle said.

"What do you mean?" asked Harry.

"My Diary," Riddle pointed at it, "Little Ginny has been spilling her secrets out to me all year. How her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with second hand robes," Riddle's smile got wider, "How the famous Harry Potter would never like her."

"That's it!" Briana blurted out, "Ginny opened the Chamber of Secrets!"

Harry spun around to look at her, "No! No way!"

"Don't you see!" it was as if Riddle wasn't even there and Briana was just explaining to Harry his homework, "That's why Ginny was acting weird! That's why she was walking up to the school that day in chicken feathers! That's why she always hid her diary so fast when I walked over! That's why she was never around when the attacks happened!"

Riddle smiled at her, "Your sister certainly is as smart as Ginny made her out to be."

"But Ginny didn't want to, did she?" Briana spat, "You made her!"

Riddle nodded, "I find myself to be very persuasive. But Ginny became suspicious and she tried to dispose of the diary and guess who found it?"

Briana looked at Harry.

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