Chapter 17: Spiders and Basilisks

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Briana led the way into the forest, her wand held in front of her. Harry was right behind her clutching his wand as well. Ron was taking up the rear with Fang bounding beside him.

"Lets go," Briana whispered as she led the way, a sense of dread in her stomach. Last time she had been in here Lord Voldemort had appeared. Hopefully he wasn't still hanging out, out here.

Briana followed the five spiders that were scurrying away. She made sure to keep her light on them as twigs and leaves snapped behind her.

Ron started whimpering. Briana spun around, "Ron! Stop, you're going to attract unwanted attention."

Ron shook his head and looked away. Briana continued her way forward, keeping her eyes on the spiders.

Suddenly, the spiders took a turn out of the path. Briana glanced at Harry and Ron, "Shall we keep going?"

"We've come this far," Harry said.

Briana nodded as she dodged trees and roots to try to follow the spider. They walked for about a half an hour longer, Briana getting nervous about how they would find their way out every minute.

Then suddenly, Fang let out a loud bark, making all three of them jump out of their skins.

"What?" Ron said loudly, looking around with wide eyes.

Briana looked closely into the trees, "Theirs something big moving out there."

They stayed silent for a moment. A distance away they could hear the smashing of trees as something cleared a path. It was heading their way.

"Oh no. Oh no. Oh..." Ron was muttering.

"Ron, shut up!" Harry said frantically, "It'll hear you!"

"Hear me?" Ron asked in an unnaturally high voice, "It's already heard Fang!"

Briana's hand shook as she held her wand out in front of her, ready to fight off the monster. Harry and Ron both stood on either side of her.

The noise stopped.

"What is it doing?" Harry asked quietly.

"Probably getting ready to pounce," Ron whispered, his voice quivering.

"What should we do?" Briana asked.

Briana, Harry and Ron all jumped in surprise as lights suddenly lit up the forest. Fang yelped in fear and ran for cover as Briana stood their, trying to calm herself down.

"Harry! Briana! Look!" Ron's voice was full of relief as he walked over to the thing, "It's the car! It's gone wild."

Ron was right. In front of them stood the flying car. Briana remembered it from when Fred and George had saved them from the Dursley's. And of course Harry and Ron had flew it to Hogwarts, because they couldn't get through the barrier. The car had gone forest born. Their was mud smeared on the sides and leaves dangling from the review mirror.

Briana stepped forward and stood by Ron. She cautiously placed a hand on the hood.

"I can't believe it's been here all this time!" Ron said smiling.

Harry didn't seem as excited as Ron, but he looked like he was glad that they hadn't been killed from some scary beast in the forest.

"Come on, we should get back on the trail," Harry said.

Briana was looking away from Harry at something behind him. Ron held the same terrified look on his face.

"What?" Harry asked.

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