Chapter 4: He's Trouble

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Briana was in love with the Weasleys house. It was amazing. At the Dusleys it was boring, but here their was fun around every corner. Not only was she in love with the house, but the Weasleys as well.

Mr. Weasley was way different then Uncle Vernon. He treated Briana with respect. He loved talking to her and Harry about muggles. He was really fascinated with them.

Mrs. Weasley was like a mother she never had. She always was so kind and thoughtful.

Fred and George were big pranksters. Their were always cracks and bangs coming from their room and it seemed normal. They had become sort of brothers to Briana and because of them, Briana finally knew how to pick a lock.

Briana even liked Percy. He normally stayed in his room, but once or twice she had talked to him about what they would be learning their second year and he seemed happy to answer.

Then their was Ginny. Over the past few days, she had gotten close to her. She was very comfortable talking to Briana, but when Harry came in the room she became all shy and awkward. Briana still hadn't questioned her about it and she figured it was for the best.

Briana was now sitting in Ginny's room, writing a letter. She figured she should probably write to Ashley. She still hadn't talked to her and it was about time she did.

Briana looked over what she had wrote:

'Dear Ashley,

Thanks for the concern, but I am not dead. I am fully alive.

Sorry about not writing. I don't want to tell you the whole story, but I'll give you a quick read of it. Maybe I'll tell you it in full when I see you in person.

Some house elf has been intercepting both Harry and I's letters. Don't call me crazy. It's true. He came to our house and told us he didn't want us coming back to school this year. He said something dark and dangerous was happening and that Harry and I were to important to get in the mess. Don't know if I should be worried or if the elf is full of rubbish. What do you think?

Luckily, Harry and I are staying at the Weasleys now. They're really awesome people. I'm not starving for once.

Anyways, I better stop before I write you a book long. We're planning on going to Diagon Alley on Wednesday. Maybe you would like to meet us there? Write me back.

From, Briana.'

Briana quickly ran to Ron's room where Hedwig was sitting. The boys weren't in there much to her relief. She handed the letter to Hedwig and opened the window, watching the snowy owl fly off.

Briana returned to Ginny's room.

Ginny was sitting on the bed. Briana walked over, "We should practice Qudditch."

Ginny looked up and smiled, "We have brooms in the shed if you need one."

"Yeah. I didn't get a shiny broom like Harry," Briana said, trying to hide jealously from her voice.

Ginny got up, "Ok, lets go."

Briana followed Ginny down the stairs, "Maybe we should ask our brothers if they want to join."

Ginny froze as she was about to go down the final step. She looked back, "Maybe we should just play on our own."

Briana knew it was because of Harry, "Come on, I promise you that you can be on Harry's side."

Ginny tried to act confused, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Briana laughed, "I'll go find Ron and Harry. Go ask Percy, Fred and George."

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