Chapter 18: To the Chamber of Secrets

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Briana sat in the Great Hall with Harry, Ashley, Ron, Fred and George. Percy had gone to call Mrs. Weasley. Their was a sad feeling in the air. They all were sitting there with sad experrisons.

"She knew something," Briana whispered to Harry, Ron and Ashley, "She walked over and wanted to tell Ashley and I something about the Chamber, but Snape made her leave."

Ron sighed. His face was red and worrisome, "That's why the monster took her then, because she knew."

"She's been acting weird ever since school started. I thought she was just sick, I didn't think that it was because of this," Briana said.

"Do you think theirs any chance..." Ron stuttered, "Any chance that's she's alive?"

Briana, Harry and Ashley all looked at each other. They were all thinking of the same thing. Their was very little chance that it was true.

"You know what this means," Harry said, standing up.

Ashley stood up. Briana followed. Ron looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Ron asked.

"We need to go find Ginny," Harry said, "We're going to go in the Chamber of Secrets and find her."

Ron stood as well, "But we don't know where it is!"

"Remember what we said about Moaning Mrytle," Briana said.

Ashley nodded, "Lets go."

The four of them hurried down the corridor.

Briana, who was in front almost ran straight into Professor Lockhart. Lockhart had two huge suitcases in his hands.

"Going somewhere?" Harry asked.

"Well..... yes," Lockhart stuttered, "Urgent call I'm afraid."

"You can't go now!" Ashley yelled.

Lockhart shook his head, "If you'll excuse me."

They all blocked him.

"What about my sister?" Ron asked.

"Very sad," Lockhart said, "No one regrets more then I."

"You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!" Briana exclaimed, "You can't go now!"

"Well their was nothing in the job description about doing this!" Lockhart exclaimed.

"What about all that stuff you did in your books?!?" said Briana angrily.

"Books can be misleading," Lockhart delicately said.

"You wrote them!" Ashley shouted.

"Use your sense! My books wouldn't have done half as well if people hadn't thought I did all of that!"

"You're a fraud!" Harry shouted, "You've been taking credit for what other wizards have done!"

"Is their anything you can do!" Ron exclaimed.

"Yes, actually," Lockhart said, "I'm especially gifted at memory charms. I couldn't have people go blabbing about it all you see," Lockhart pulled his wand out, "I'm afraid I'll have to take yours as well. Wouldn't want you to go blabbing about what I told you."

Briana was quicker. She drew her wand in a flash and pointed it at Lockhart's hand, not bothering to say the words. Lockhart's wand went flying and Ashley caught it before snapping it in half.

"Hey!" Lockhart said with wide eyes as Ashley threw the halves out the window.

"That's what you get for bring a fame hungry jerk," Ashley said.

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