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I got to my shop, having my new mantra for the day in my head.

'Don't kill the bride... don't kill the bride' since today had been on my calendar since the huge public engagement. It's what I hate about a small town. My high school sweetheart had moved on after 6 years apart and was getting married to a woman who not only hated me, but hated the town.

And since I owned the only bridal shop within a 50 mile radius I was the Bride to be's first stop. She had called the morning after, bragging about her 'man' that chose her over me, and how she hoped that it wasn't too much of an inconvenience for me since I was the only shop that could 'maybe' do the work she wanted.

And today, after 3 weeks, she was coming in for a consultation. She wanted to get her silhouette down and we would work on her 'perfect' dress from there and what she would want. I would need a timeline of her wedding plans to make sure I didn't have to rush any kind for things she could want on her dress.

I set my coffee down, moved around to turn on the 'open' sign and moved around the counter again to hit all the lights. I opened the shades and checked the time before counting down the minutes until her appointment.

When she became late I moved to get some dresses out so she really wouldn't be here longer than she really needed to be. As it is I want her here less than two hours.

Twenty minutes after her appointment was scheduled I heard the front door open and it didn't close for a while. I was lugging one of the biggest ball gowns from my back closet and set it on a hook as I called through a "Hello."

"Hey there." I jumped at Jason's voice and turned to see him, and 6 other men. "Is Clary not here?" He asked and I shook my head.

I had long lost feelings for Jason Martins. Yes he was still as hot as ever, and he was taller than me by so much I would never need a hat on a hot day, he would block it out for me. Yes Jason was sweet and lovely but the feelings I had once thought was true love turned out to be nothing more than infatuation for a long time friend. But we were some kind of friends still. We weren't close, but he was one of the few people who helped me out when my mother died a couple years ago. And that kind of friendship never goes away. At least not for me.

"No, I guess she ran into some trouble or something. She's about 20 minutes late." I told him and moved closer to the railing to put up the heavy dress. I knew some of the men standing around as I turned back to face them all I decided I had no idea why they were here. "How can I help you all?" I asked and focused on him instead of all the men secretly cowering in fear of all the dresses and wedding attire.

"Well Claire has picked out the wedding colors and has ordered some Tuxedoes from some place in New York... but they need sizes and I know that sometimes you take sizes for the men-"

"Do you all need sizing done?" I asked as I cut him off and he nodded with a sigh. "Okay, well, I guess I can get started. Do you have the number or fax or email of the place she ordered from?" I asked and he nodded before digging into his pocket and handing over the paper.

"Jay- dude, are we getting sized or not?" I heard one of his men and I just sighed.

"Yes, you all can get into your plain shirts, no jackets and please take off your shoes before you stand on any of my carpets." I called out as I went towards my computer. I grabbed a measuring tape, a blank paper on a clipboard before a pen. I grabbed my glasses and moved towards Jason. "Groom first. Go and stand and I will do shoulders and arms first.

He got on the pedestal and he knew he was way too tall so he only smirked as I grabbed my step stool. Height had not always be a problem, but it was one of the best qualities that I liked about him for some reason, just having someone taller than me made me feel protected. And as a half pixie with only limited magic my mother told me that it was almost instinctual to have my 'someone' or my chosen mate to be a predator or someone powerful. I shook off the memories of us and simply took his measurements down as quick as possible, making sure that he would be comfortable and that it wouldn't be too tight.

Yazzy and the Yeti (Book 1) {COMPLETE ON AMAZON}Where stories live. Discover now